Phil & Andrea Bauman (SIM)

A Change of Pace

We had a great time in the UK and Norway. The Board meetings went well and it was great to see family, friends and supporters. Over the coming weeks please join with us to

Praise God:

  • For deeply committed Board members for SIM and for good Board meetings for Phil as well as Health Advisory Committee meetings for Andrea. 

  • For productive leadership team meetings.

  • That we got to see family as well as many friends and supporters.

  • That Phil has been able to relinquish most of his current responsibilities and have time for sabbatical.

Please pray 

  • For our upcoming trip to spend some time with a team in Asia to facilitate their ministry planning process (We committed to this trip prior to being asked to become the International Director.)

  • For Phil to be have time for rest and a change through this time of sabbatical.

  • For Liam and Meridith as they plan for their Aug 24, 2024 wedding. Pray too for Meridith as she is looking for a 4-month placement as part of her degree.

  • Pray for wisdom for Andrea as she serves SIM's personnel coordinators.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea

Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

Summit Update

Thanks for praying for the AB/SK Summit retreat that I was at this past weekend to represent Global Missions. About 100 staff and students gathered an hour outside of Edmonton, and as always the Lord was at work through the weekend. Here are some pictures:

Above - A nature/prayer walk during free time on Saturday.
Below 1 - Representing Global Missions, "Ask me about P2C Mission Trips"
Below 2 - Morning prayer for the world
Below 3 - Talking about Global Missions over lunch
Below 4 - Sharing during a main session about working for P2C

Thanks so much for your partnership that enabled me to join the AB/SK Summit. This past weekend my team promoted global missions at four different Summit retreats. Today, my work day started with a message from one of my teammates saying that we have 6, no 7, actually 8 applications started for mission trips. Praise God! 

Charlotte Martin

Robert & Susan Martin - Kingston Prison Ministry

Dear friends,
One of the songs we are introducing to the men who join us for chapel services is “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me”. Those who have understood and believed the gospel can sing the truth of these words with thankful hearts.

“No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven
The future sure, the price it has been paid
For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
And he was raised to overthrow the grave

 To this I hold, my sin has been defeated
Jesus now and ever is my plea
Oh the chains are released
I can sing, “I am free”
Yet not I but through Christ in me”

As men come to trust the Saviour they can know fruitful Christian living during their time in prison. Some have many years of incarceration ahead of them while others only months. 

Our goal is to help them see the importance of making the most of the present time, and not to wait until they are out of jail before they seek to live for the Lord and serve Him. Their worship now can be meaningful to God and they can gain deeper understanding through personal daily Bible study. Their witness can be effective as they let their faithful actions do most of the talking, allowing meaningful conversations to be guided by the Holy Spirit - knowing wisdom and discernment for the right timing.

Pray for… RM, is a believer, but desperately wants to control his environment resulting in undue conflict with staff and other inmates. Recently the stress of this has required hospitialization to stabilize him. 
K and C have been a great support to each other both spiritually and emotionally. However, recently their relationship has become strained. Pray that Satan would not have success in separating them as Christian brothers.

Its been a different end of summer and September for us. Susan’s mom, Verna Millson, went home to heaven Aug 22nd.  She was still quite independent, living by herself and driving her own vehicle. It was a sudden and unexpected event for sure. We are thankful for His supply of grace and strength as we grieve, remembering the promises of our future hope and reality.  She was a wonderful mother to us and we are thankful for her faithful example in our lives.

As we sing the last verse to the above song we can’t help but think of Mom. 

"With every breath I long to follow Jesus
For he has said that He will bring me home
And day by day I know He will renew me
Until I stand with joy before His throne.

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
All the glory evermore to Him
When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I but through Christ in me."

Thank you for praying for us.
Robert and Susan

Our mailing address is:
Prison Minstry, Kingston
PO Box 20051
Kingston, ON K7P 2T6

Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

A chair phobia confirmed

"So I kind of have a chair phobia," my teammate, Evelyn, confessed to our team earlier this month. Evelyn went on to explain that before hosting events for students at UBC she often fears they won't have enough chairs for everyone. Our team listened, joked with her about this, and prayed for the UBC kick off event happening that night.  

This is the report we got back when Evelyn checked-in online the next day. 

"Soooo, my lack of chairs phobia was confronted yesterday as we had 190+ students come out to the kickoff and yup, not enough chairs!! We ordered 50 pizzas! And finished 45 of them. Great day connecting with students overall but a bit tired today."

Thanks for your prayers and support as we start another school year. As I've been working away this month confirming mission trip details for promotions at our Summit retreats, September 29 - October 1, it's been fun to get the highlights from campus activities as my team checks in online each day. Here are a few: 

"Yesterday we had our Montreal campus student leaders training day and it was so good. We had about 22 students from four different campuses - they are excited and nervous about the start to the year." - Dave, Montreal

"We worked all weekend. Met students from Vietnam, a bunch of Central Asian countries, a ton of African students! Today we have our clubs day!" - Hope, Ottawa

"Yesterday we had our Bridges Welcome Party (an event for international students). We had an icebreaker (human bingo) for students to get to know each other, free pizza and conversation during dinner. Then 2 students shared about how the Bridges community has helped them. Over 150 people came! We knew we wouldn’t have enough chairs and planned for people to sit on the floor." - Victor, Toronto

Today, as you read this, I head to Edmonton to attend the Summit retreat for students from Alberta and Saskatchewan. I will be representing global missions. As we begin to talk about 2024 mission trip opportunities, pray that many students would see the value of going on a mission trip and pray that students would start applying. We are praying for 40 students to go on mission trips this year.

Gord & Heather Martin - October 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY: Unbelievable! Indy is still in India. Now we have a conflict between Canada and India which is influencing the work of the Canadian High Commission. Please pray for the emotional, spiritual and physical well-being of this dear man. He keeps finding ways to be a blessing. I am working on a possible mentoring initiative among Iranian/Persian Christian leaders in Turkey and Georgia. Please pray for success in this beginning phase.