Join Our Team
Our church is a body, with each member serving in their unique area of gifting to carry out the ministry God has called us to. Most of this ministry is done by volunteers who faithfully use their gifts to serve and bless others. We are so grateful for our volunteers!
In some cases, we create staff positions to help encourage, support, and coordinate this important work. Staff members are called to lead and serve in specific roles, equipping and empowering others to fulfill their God-given calling.
In addition to their paid responsibilities, our staff also volunteer alongside the rest of the congregation. Together, as one body, we are united by our mission to help people find and follow Jesus and our vision to be all for Christ.
This role will focus on providing leadership and ministry support in select ministry areas.
Associate Pastor
Provide spiritual care on behalf of the elders and coordinate our care ministries in collaboration with the Spiritual Care Leadership Team (SCLT).