Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

Summit Update

Thanks for praying for the AB/SK Summit retreat that I was at this past weekend to represent Global Missions. About 100 staff and students gathered an hour outside of Edmonton, and as always the Lord was at work through the weekend. Here are some pictures:

Above - A nature/prayer walk during free time on Saturday.
Below 1 - Representing Global Missions, "Ask me about P2C Mission Trips"
Below 2 - Morning prayer for the world
Below 3 - Talking about Global Missions over lunch
Below 4 - Sharing during a main session about working for P2C

Thanks so much for your partnership that enabled me to join the AB/SK Summit. This past weekend my team promoted global missions at four different Summit retreats. Today, my work day started with a message from one of my teammates saying that we have 6, no 7, actually 8 applications started for mission trips. Praise God! 

Charlotte Martin


Phil & Andrea Bauman (SIM)


Robert & Susan Martin - Kingston Prison Ministry