Gord & Heather Martin - September 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY: Indy is still in India. He continues to face serious health issues. We have found a way to help him with his exit permit. Please pray that questions about his health and his return to Canada will be resolved soon. I am hearing from the Lord's servants from around the world who are facing serious and violent persecution. Please pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are facing these trials. Just returned from Ottawa where two new churches are emerging, Iranian/Persian and NIgerian. We also had a great time with our youngest son Chad and his family.

Charlotte Martin - September 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: For an enjoyable time at the P2C Staff conference in Aug. The global missions afternoon I led during the conference was well received. We have confirmed our 2024 mission trip locations and gone from 4 trips in 2023 to hopefully 7 trips in 2024. I've been able to redecorate and reorganize my home office space and I'm pleased with it. PRAY: For an excitement about 2024 mission trips. For effective mission trip promotions at our fall retreats September 29 - October 1. That I would know how to manage my fall travel well.

J&R K - South Asia - September 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  We are thankful for the safe arrival of students and a good start to the term. Praise for our new Principal who has jumped in with humility, prayer, and wisdom. We are also thankful that our oldest son made it back safely and that the boys have all settled in well for another year. Thank you for your continued prayers. PRAY: Pray for J as he leads the Alternate Services this term for those students who are apathetic, atheistic, or full of animosity towards Christianity. May the Lord draw hearts to himself. Pray as well for a key staff need we are urgently seeking to fill in the subject of Geography. Pray too for R as she continues to balance a very busy admin role.

Les & Sharon Frey - September 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: For the opportunities to serve this summer in individual lives and three times to preach in Spanish in August in Kitchener church. For different marriage mentoring we have carried on in the summer months.  PRAY: For the upcoming eye surgery for Les in London Sept 25 and subsequent recovery. For some activities to be resumed soon this fall such as studies and speaking after Les’ surgery.

Phil & Andrea - September 2023

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE: That we have had time close to home this summer. That we had family vacation time together. For Liam and Meridith's engagement! That Andrea has been able to hand off her Middle East role to a capable colleague.  PRAY: 

For our upcoming 5 week trip to the UK and Norway. For Phil meeting with the Executive Team and then with the SIM Board of Governors. For Andrea connecting with colleagues as well as meeting with SIM's International Health Committee on September 8-9. For our time visiting family, friends and supporters after September 14. For Phil to be able hand off current responsibilities and start his sabbatical after the board meetings. For Cara as she starts her final academic year following a great eight month work placement.