
Sunday Worship Gathering

Sunday Worship Gathering

Join us Sunday Morning at 9AM or 11AM for our Sunday Morning Worship Gathering. There will be a time of worship, announcements, teaching, kids programing and coffee and fellowship in between the services.

Speaker: Andreas Dimond (Managing Pastor)
Message: The Love of God (1 John 4:7-21)
Program for children up to Grade 6 at both services!
(New families please click here to pre-register)

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School of Discipleship - Bible Themes

School of Discipleship - Bible Themes

SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP - Bible Themes (April 1 - May 20). The Bible is one story, with themes woven throughout from Genesis to Revelation. Whereas systematic theology categorizes doctrines by topic, biblical theology shows the unfolding of God’s revelation as it progressed through history. Biblical theology focusses on how these themes are developed. Join us as we trace eight themes through the biblical narrative, highlighting God’s amazing story of redemption!

The cost is $40 for materials (cash or cheque).

Click HERE to register by March 23.

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Pancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast

Everyone is invited to our annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. Pancakes, juice and coffee will be served in the WBC Gym from 8:00-10:00am by our very own Youth! Donations will directly support our Youth Program, and can be made by cash or cheque (payable to "WBC Youth") or e-transfer for

No registration required.

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Explore WBC Class

Explore WBC Class

EXPLORE WBC CLASS: Sunday, March 23, 11:00am in the WBC Cafe. If you're looking to get connected at WBC and become part of our church family, this class is an important next step. You'll have the opportunity to learn how we operate, discover what matters most to us, and explore ways to get involved.

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Quench - Grand River Rocks

Quench - Grand River Rocks

Grand River Rocks

264 Victoria St N, Kitchener, ON, 7-9 p.m.

Details: $24/person (bring money to pay right to GRR), + $6 to get shoes. Bring your student card/proof of being a student to get a discount. All adults and minors must complete the linked GRR waivers.

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Men's Retreat
to Mar 1

Men's Retreat

“MENt to Serve” Men’s Retreat at WBC! Speaker: Dale Ward

Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Doors open Friday, 6:45pm and Saturday, 8:30am Saturday.

Cost is $40/person (Friday only: $15, Saturday only $25).

Register by Sunday, February 23.

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Sunday Worship Gathering

Sunday Worship Gathering

Join us Sunday Morning at 9AM or 11AM for our Sunday Morning Worship Gathering. There will be a time of worship, announcements, teaching, kids programing and coffee and fellowship in between the services.

Speaker: Pastor Gary Goodkey
Message: Children of God (1 John 3:1-3)
Program for children up to Grade 6 at both services!
(New families please click here to pre-register)

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Family Discipleship Night

Family Discipleship Night

We will start the night ALL together (Kids, Jr Youth & Parents) in the sanctuary, so please plan to come & be with your child during this family focused time. Around 7:30, Kids & Jr Youth will head to their programs, while you as parents take in teaching & have the chance to connect in small groups for conversation, prayer and encouragement lead by PETER BOLTON! Peter will be speaking on "Equipping children to discern voices they hear". This will be an interactive session for parents to discuss issues of technology & media, and to discover the benefits of working together as a Christian community in principled, purposeful ways which promote the thriving of each child as a unique creation of God. This is especially relevant during our time of the Digital DisCONNECT!

Note that Grade 1 & 2 students are invited to join KidZone from 7:30-8:30 following the family time in the sanctuary. Quench Small Groups will run as normal.

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Sunday Worship Gathering - Cancelled due to weather

Sunday Worship Gathering - Cancelled due to weather

Join us Sunday Morning at 9AM or 11AM for our Sunday Morning Worship Gathering. There will be a time of worship, announcements, teaching, kids programing and coffee and fellowship in between the services.

Speaker: Darcy Dueck (Guest Speaker)
Message: Authentic or Counterfeit? (1 John 2:18-29)
Program for children up to Grade 8 at both services!
(New families please click here to pre-register)

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