Ray & Carol Jones - Guelph
Dear family and friends,
Hope this finds you all well and looking forward to whatever season you're going into, some fall, some spring and some a bit too close to the hurricane for comfort! We're praying for you who are in the path of that dangerous storm.
Well, it has been a very busy spring and summer with all the activities at the conference centre, speaking engagements and all the other items that seem to pop up. But, even though I still have a busy speaking schedule it does look like being a bit calmer for the next while. Recently I have had to use the internet to speak, due to being a bit sick, but that does work very well even though I much prefer to be there in person. Some dear friends in West Virginia are now trying to arrange for me to speak down in the US so I'm really looking forward to that.
Carol is still not doing well with a health problem she has had since being six years old. Now the regular medical profession says that they can't help, so we're trying one something else that is being recommended. We checked with our doctor, of course, and it won't hurt her and may even help!
Yesterday I had the opportunity to share the gospel with a man I have been concerned about for a while. The Lord worked it out so that we were forced to sit in a truck and wait for a while. It started to rain so it worked out perfectly! I love sharing the simplicity of the gospel! We are all sinners regardless of color, race or religion! ALL! But God's answer to all our sins is just One; His Son Jesus Christ! He only paid for our sin on Calvary's cross.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Thank you so much for all your prayer and encouragement , we really do appreciate it!
That's about all for now, Love to hear from you.
487, Whitelaw Rd. Guelph, Ontario ,Canada N1K 1E7 519-767-3335. Cell: 519-716-1405
Ray and Carol