Charlotte Martin - Power to Change
Passing the Baton of Faith
Friends at, last Thursday was off to a really nice start. I had two productive meetings to start the day. I was confirming important details for our last mission trip, and emailing staff to let them know about their mission trip placements. Things were falling into place.
I had forgotten to check-in with my team that morning, so I hopped onto our Slack channel to see what was going on. One minute later these three updates popped up:
Let me translate some of the acronyms for you:
MT = Mission Trip
AIA = Athletes in Action (a different P2C ministry)
MTDT = Mission Trip Director Training
"So many good things happening today! Exciting" I responded as my encouragement grew.
I grabbed some lunch and went back to my work of emailing staff. I was excited and grateful that Govember activities were starting on different campuses and our first training session for 2025 mission trip directors was underway.
I was about to jump onto Zoom for our online P2C Chapel but decided to quickly check my phone.
"Oh wow. Just saw this terrible news for the WBC family" wrote my brother.
I looked closer and read, to my shock, that a retired missionary couple from my church were tragically killed in a car accident the day before. This couple had been missionaries in Spain for 40 years.
As I reflect on the unexpected passing of this dear missionary couple, who were energetically serving God until their last days, I can't help but feel a sense that in some way the baton of faith is being passed onto me. I pray that our ministry’s efforts to inspire and mobilize students to care and participate in God's global work would be a part of God's plan for raising up a new generation of missionaries who would be willing to take the gospel to new places and spaces.
Below are some pictures from Missions Nights that happened this past week (University of Ottawa and University of Toronto). Pray for me as I'll be joining the missions night at Laurier (Waterloo) this Thursday, potentially the University of Guelph on Friday, and next week I'll visit Brock University (St. Catherines) to talk about global missions.
"Why Missions?" talk about the University of Toronto
University of Ottawa Mission Possible Night
Highlights from Lausanne
Friends at, I am so grateful for all the ways God provided for me to participate in the 4th Lausanne Congress in South Korea at the end of September. It was visionary and inspiring to interact with leaders from across the global church. Here are a few of my takeaways:
1) "God alone sends revival, but we can posture ourselves for it, pray for it, and remove impediments with personal and corporate repentance." - Sarah Breuel, Brazilian missionary in Rome. Watch her talk here.
2) "A compromised gospel kills the church not persecution" - Patrick Fung, OMF International, living in Singapore
3) Getting a book recommendation from a workshop on "Evangelism and Missions for Next Gen"
Pictures Below:
1) I had siblings who were helping to organize and run the Congress
2) Enjoying Korean BBQ with the other P2C people who attended the Congress
3) Touring Seoul