Charlotte Martin - Power to Change (local)

Post-Mission Trip Adjustment

Happy, lonely, hopeful, excited, worried, awed, disoriented, weak, distracted, joyful. These are some of the different feelings students expressed experiencing post mission trip this year.

We know that returning from a mission trip where community is strong, and students are experiencing God in new and deep ways can be a bit of an adjustment. For this reason my team started hosting online Post-Mission Trip Sessions where students can gather to reflect on their trip, connect with other participants, and be encouraged to continue living on mission. Below are what some of the students shared last month when we asked - How are you feeling post trip?

At the first session, I shared with students from the Parable of the Sower in Mark. I shared that as we are sowing the word of God we get glimpses of what God is doing, but we don’t always see the full picture. We don’t always know on to what type of soil the seeds of faith we are planting fall. 

This year however, God blessed our Desert Rain (DR) mission trip with seeing the continuation of a story that started last year. 

Last year on the DR mission trip a student named Faith came to one of the cultural exchange events that our team hosted. After the event a few of our Canadian students hung out with Faith multiple times, but she didn’t express much interest in spiritual things. Before leaving the country, these students gifted her a New Testament as a goodbye present.

Fast forward to this year. One of those Canadian students returned to DR, and she reached out to Faith to meet up. When they met, Faith shared that she had read through the New Testament twice in the last year.

Our students had a great spiritual conversation with Faith and introduced her to our long term staff in DR. During that meeting they clarified Faith’s understanding of the gospel and to their joy, Faith shared that she was “blind before, and it’s like her vision was restored.” She spoke about “living in darkness, and now her world is bright”! What a privilege when we get to see the fruit of seeds of faith that were planted. 

Faith desires to tell her mother about deciding to follow Jesus, but she fears she will be disowned. Pray that God will protect her from the evil one, and that our staff in DR would be able to walk with her as she experiences newness of life in Christ.

Friends at, thank you for your partnership in this work! What a blessing you are to me.

Help Send Charlotte to Lausanne 4

Back in May I received word that there was a spot for me to attend the Lausanne Movement’s Seoul 2024 Congress in Seoul, South Korea in September (until then I was planning to attend virtually). Out of 10,000 representatives from all parts of the world, I will be one of 80 Canadians joining this once-in-a-decade experience. 

For 50 years theLausanne Movementhas been gathering leaders from every corner of the world to coordinate and collaborate in order to increase effectiveness in advancing the gospel worldwide. Historically, it is at these congress meetings that the current state of world evangelization is reviewed and gaps and opportunities to mobilize the global church to action are identified. Attending this congress will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to learn from missional leaders around the world.

So far, I have received a donation to cover my registration and hotel costs. I am trusting God to provide another $2800 to cover my flight costs. Would you consider a special financial gift to send me to be part of shaping the future of global missions? Donations can be made online by calling 1.885.722.4483. Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration.

Gord & Heather Martin - Vision Ministries

Greetings to all the brothers and sisters at Wallenstein,

Thank you very much for the gift of $500 you forwarded to the MC for our support. It's greatly appreciated!

I've been working quite hard at writing curriculum for the leadership training to take place in Kenya this coming October. Matt Craig and Chris Atkinson will be the instructors. I've written nine lessons and have four to go!

A few weeks ago I was with the Nigerian Church Plant in Mississauga. As a part of their weekend they went out to the park at Port Credit and gave out tracks to the people in the park. The people were from every part of the world. It was interesting for me to see the enthusiasm that the Nigerians had to engage people and tell them the story of how the gospel reached to them Canada and how they are now bringing the gospel back to Canada.

Thank you again for your generous support,

Gord & Heather Martin

Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

Enjoying the beauty of South Africa

Photo: Kerry Wiens

July 11 2024

Thank you for praying for us while we were in South Africa. We were blessed to be able to spend a couple of weeks there. It was great to be present with the team at their annual conference where Phil was the speaker. Afterwards we visited some of the ministries team members are involved in including several children’s ministries, a Bible College and “Farming God’s Way”. We asked you to pray that God would use us to be a blessing to those that we interacted with. God gave us good connections and we trust that God will allow his Holy Spirit to continue to work.

The following are some things for prayer in the coming weeks.

  • We praise God for safe travel and good connections with the SIM South Africa team. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would allow what Phil shared from Scripture to bear fruit in the hearts of those present.

  • We are grateful for the opportunity we had to visit a variety of ministries in South Africa and to learn more about SIM’s work there. Please pray that we can be an encouragement whenever we visit SIM teams and that we can share with others the things we learn.

  • We're heading off for a week of vacation. Please pray that it would be a refreshing time. 

  • We are looking forward to meeting our first grandchild, due in 2 weeks (July 24). Please pray for Mackenzie’s continued health and stamina in these final weeks of pregnancy. Please pray for Liam and Meridith as they prepare for marriage and for Cara as she prepares for her Masters.

  • Praise God that Cara has found great accommodation in Toronto – thank you for praying!  

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea

Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Caring About Care

Trevor has spent these last couple of months leading a team of Power to Change staff across Canada to better understand the mental and emotional health realities within of our ministry.  Often our staff (including Trevor 5 years ago) haven't/don't recognize the signs of languishing mental health until it is too late. Through this project Trevor, his team and some collaborators have worked toward recommending and implementing helpful action. Some of these steps included making suggestions to leadership and adding in more check-in opportunities/questions for staff and their supervisors around this topic. Lord willing, these initiatives will surface mental health related challenges sooner.  

Sometimes ministry is a family activity.  Here is the 3 of us working on gathering the P2C Equipped Bible Study books so they can be shipped to our P2C Store at our National Resource Centre in BC. Trevor has been overseeing distribution of these resources in recent years, but is now passing the baton.

Got Questions?

"How do you reconcile the unfairness in the world and its impact on your faith?"
"How can you tackle the shame around sexual sin?"

"How do you see Christianity as empowering to women?"
"Is it possible to disagree with something from the Bible and still pursue Christ?"

The questions above are just some of the questions that our panel tackled this past month at our Women's Event, "Got Questions?". Hannah learned that many of the women had questions, but were scared to ask them, so we got them to send in questions anonymously and tried to address as many as possible. The students were so grateful for the wisdom and humility that the panel brought while they answered these difficult questions.  Please pray that we would see strong disciples of Jesus raised up at the University of Waterloo. 


Top Left: Everyone squeeze in
Top Right: Amelia is 7.5!
Bottom Right: Fun with Daddy

Bottom Left: Avery may have tasted some strawberries while picking

Charlotte Martin - July 2024

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Elmira, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Our spring mission trips made it back safe and sound. We've held two post mission trip sessions for students providing them space to further reflect on their trip experiences and think about continuing to live missionally post mission trip. For the month of July we have two students on a mission trip in Thailand with other students from around the world. We saw 3 students make decisions to follow Christ on our mission trips.  PRAY: Pray for a restful time of vacation July 22-Aug 4. Pray that God would provide me with increased monthly donors as I seek to raise more financial support. Pray for the preparation for 2025 mission trips - we are busy confirming locations and dates and working on promo materials.