Gord & Heather Martin - June 2024

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY: Please continue to pray for a new Outreach to Buddhists from Myanmar living in Canada. We're just in the process of gathering ideas for this initiative. I would also appreciate prayer for the writing of curriculum for the training program in Kenya to take place in October. I am writing about half of the curriculum.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - June 2024


  • For over 40 students who made decisions to follow Christ across Canada this year, including 2 at UWaterloo!

  • For a really good working relationship between Trevor and his supervisor for the last 4 years. Also, praise God that Trevor's administrative role in recent years has helped him to maintain good mental health.

  • For God opening doors for campus ministry in Quebec as well as partnership with churches there.


  • For Hannah as she ministers on campus in the spring/summer semester at UWaterloo. Pray for God to sustain her as she is used to working on other things during the summer and taking a breather from on campus ministry.

  • For God's help and renewing work in the midst of some conflict amongst some of Hannah's teammates. Hannah is not directly involved, but a couple of conflict situations are affecting the whole team and changes need to be made.

  • For wisdom and direction as we parent our two girls. Avery is 2 and Amelia is 7 (in grade 2).

  • For God's leading as our ministry would like to expand to new campuses to help more students discover Jesus, but we have capacity and staffing limits. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..."

Jenn Brubacher - June 2024

 Prayer for deep, life changing healing in students' lives

  • J as he was recently kicked out of his home and for a complete breakaway from substance abuse.

  • Financial provision, healing and wholeness for the B family.

  • L as she struggles deeply with loneliness, attention-seeking behaviour and attending class regularly.

  • C, now a young adult, as she wrestles with suicidal ideation.

  • Prayer for wisdom and clear vision for Mel (my supervisor) and me as we transition from being a team of 5 to a team of 2. We're seeking God's direction on what's next for the youth centre.

  • We pray, hope and anticipate God will do incredible things through camps this summer. 

    • We're thankful to be recipients of Muskoka Woods' sponsorship program, allowing students, who may not have an opportunity otherwise, to go to camp.

    • Our team will need God's patience, wisdom, energy and grace!

    • May this be a life-changing experience for students.

  • Prayer for school staff.

  • Prayer for our drop-in program.

Esther Frey - June 2024

  • We will have DVBS June 10-14.  Please pray that children 5-12 will come.  We've had difficulty in reaching children recently.  Our Sunday School has only 5 teens and 2 small children.

  • We are planning a family retreat at our camp June 17-19.  Pray that this will be well attended by our congregation.

  • The big change comes June 29 when we will recognize Brian Array as the new director for the Emmaus courses in Puerto Rico.  I've had this position for 57 years.  It will be an emotional day. Invitations have gone out to all the chaplains of the 19 prisons on the island.  We are also contacting previous students from the free community.

  • Lord willing I will be visiting Ontario for a month July 18-August 15.  During this visit I will look for accommodations for when I return to Ontario next year.  Also pray for lodging during my visit this summer.

  • I continue to receive eye injections and thank the Lord for still being able to drive.  It is harder doing the office work, but soon others will take over.

Phil & Andrea Bauman - June 2024


  • We are delighted to be able to celebrate Cara's graduation on June 11th.

  • Kieran and Mackenzie are expecting their first baby at the end of July.

  • Liam and Meridith’s upcoming wedding on August 24th.  

  • Phil’s first three months in his new role have gone well and the leadership team has been very supportive. We are very grateful for the prayers and the messages of encouragement we have received from many people.


  • Please pray for wisdom for Phil in his leadership of SIM, and for Andrea as she supports him. Pray too for wisdom for Andrea in her role supporting and equipping SIM’s Personnel/HR people.

  • The month of June will involve a number of speaking opportunities for Phil, at Woodside and Alma locally, as well as at the SIM South Africa Team Conference. Please pray that Phil will be sensitive to God's leading in his preparations. We will both be at the South Africa Conference. Please pray that we can be an encouragement to the SIM team there.

  • There are several key challenges that Phil and his leadership team need to address at the moment. Please pray for a sensitivity to the leading of God as they seek to listen and discern the way forward.