Missionary Letters

Russ & Meredith Martin - family update

Back to School Because of Your Prayers

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Just two months ago, we were apprehensive as to whether Heath (5) would be healthy enough to start school. At one point he woke up 9 times in a night, his skin and face were itchy and flaky all over. He was in a lot of discomfort and family life was challenging.

Because of your prayers, today, Heath completed his first day of school without issue. He bragged about being the one to tell jokes in class today. He's the strongest he's been in a year. He's sleeping better. His skin is much less itchy. He's energized and passionately contributes to family life. He even had a 20 day streak of going swimming. In a lot of ways, he's a totally different boy than just a few months ago. While we know we aren't through everything yet, things are way better and we praise God for that.

Unfortunately, after receiving her second COVID vaccination (Pfizer), Meredith had a substantial skin rash that has been causing her a lot of discomfort, irritation and stress. Please pray for her healing and restoration.

We recently recorded a 7-minute family and ministry update video for our friends at Lakeside Church in Haliburton, ON. Russ also shared a sermon on how to respond when life is hard based on some of his challenges in the last season.

WBC Friends, thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

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Russ & Meredith Martin

Digital Missionaries Bring the Gospel to the Himalayas

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Bhutan is a rugged, mountainous, kingdom tucked between China and India in the Himalayas. Geographically and politically it is difficult to access. There are very few indigenous believers or churches. It ranks as one of the places most in need of the gospel and it is nearly impossible to send missionaries there.

However, digital knows no borders and our team was recently invited to help facilitate a digital outreach. Through a partnership with a local church in Singapore that has connections to Bhutan our team was able to remotely train 22 Bhutanese Christian students on being digital missionaries. 

We helped the Bhutanese students share gospel videos on social media to 137 friends. Because of this step of faith over 34 spiritual conversations happened in just one hour! On the ground in Bhutan, there was heavy rain, an erratic network and many other challenges. Yet, the gospel went forward. Many of the responses were positive and encouraging, some wanting to get to know Jesus, others rethinking about their lives, etc. The students of this country are truly ready to be digital missionaries.

WBC, thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photo above:
Traditional Bhutanese prayer flags

Photos below:
1. Ice Skating
2. Celebrating Canada Day
3. Flying a kite at Marina Barrage

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Raul & Jessenia Espinoza (Ecuador)

Dear Wallenstein family,

The summer has just slipped away on us! We have had some full months of dealing with some health issues and with lots of work at the school and with the youth.

There was a month where one of us three was always sick with a cold. Normally colds don’t pose too much of a life alteration, but now, because of Covid, they suddenly mean you have to stay home from everything. Thankfully, we didn’t have Covid, but we still had to be careful. During that time, we took Tiago to a doctor for a routine check-up and found he has mild anemia. Though it is nothing serious, it has still been concerning for us and taken a lot of our energy as we care for him.

The renovations at the school are progressing very well, and it has been so refreshing the way God has provided. The school is looking beautiful and we are so grateful. Raul goes to the school most days to monitor the workers and help with any decisions that need to be made. He also spends a lot of time helping the principal with school paperwork.

Jessenia has begun a bible study with two youth leaders who wanted to study Revelations. Though Revelations is not what she would have chosen to study, she is finding she is learning a lot and the time spent learning with these young women has been a high point in the week.

We kicked off the new youth season with a trip to a park and were actually able to go through with it (any other time we had planned an outing it was canceled by Covid restrictions). The day was beautiful and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. These youth are very passionate about the games and every game time ends in a lot of shouting and arguing over who won (which actually means they are having a lot of fun). However, we have been impressed with how quickly they settle down for the times of study and seem to be listening. Pray that God’s word falls on soft, fertile soil in their hearts.

Jessenia was able to get her first dose of the Covid vaccine two weeks ago.  We are so grateful that Ecuador has stepped up its vaccination process and we hope for more freedom of ministry and socialization in the coming months.

Thank you for your prayers for us. The work here would feel rather lonely without a group behind us to support us in prayer.

In Christ,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth girls

Youth girls

Freshly painted school

Freshly painted school

Kick off to the youth season outing

Kick off to the youth season outing

Trevor & Hannah Martin - P2C Missionaries (Local)

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Thank you for all your support for not only our ministry to students on campus to know Jesus but also for us as a family. It is such a blessing to us knowing that there are people supporting us in so many ways.
Thank you for being a part of our team!

We will give a larger ministry focused update before (or as) the school year begins, but first we wanted to share with you some of what we've been up to as a family.

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Did you guess it?....We're having a baby! Baby Martin is due December 22. Amelia is super excited to be a big sister and we need to remind her often that it will not be until the winter. Hannah is doing well, but this pregnancy has been more difficult than the last. Please pray for a healthy baby and that Hannah will feel better as the pregnancy goes on.

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We love summer for many reasons. One thing we enjoy is taking advantage of all the fresh produce that is around. Hannah has taken on making strawberry jam and canning cherries to make the sweet fruit last all year long. It's a lot of work so the whole family helps.
Amelia LOVES corn on the cob. She has learned that the corn season is short and must be savoured. Peaches are also in season now and will also be canned for a sweet treat in the winter. If you want a recipe for canning peaches, we've added one below.

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We got the chance this summer to spend quality time with our families and enjoy God's creation together. It was a life-giving time after such a long time apart.

Amelia caught her first fish (and then 5 more)!

Jenn Brubacher (Youth For Christ)

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Jenn Brubacher
Campus Life Director

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Planting Seeds

What would be different in your life if you knew God loved you?

I wouldn't be so anxious.
I would be happier.
I wouldn't be as angry.

This was part of a conversation I had at our drop-in day camp, Camp Wannagetaway. As I type this out, I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the things God is doing in these students' lives. We serve an amazing God. 
Back in the fall, the same students who answered the question above,  were so anxious they wouldn't enter our building. They are now sharing openly and honestly about the pain they've experienced, chatting with us about their week and wanting us to know about the people who matter to them.
We do a lot of seed planting here. We do our best to plant seeds of truth, water and nurture them with God's grace and show them what healthy relationships look like in the way we treat each other. We trust Him with the rest.  

Students are recognizing the impact a relationship with God can have in their lives. However big or small, seeds are growing!

Camp Wannagetaway!For the last two weeks of July, we ran day camp for junior high students, most of them from our drop-in centre.  We. Had. A. Blast.   We made bubble tea, art, played at Between The Lines and SO much more! Most importantly, we shared the Good News with these kids every single day with a 'Thought of the Day'. These two weeks opened so many opportunities to speak life, hope, grace and truth. We talked about honesty, comparison and how following Jesus is the best way to live. I pray Camp Wannagetaway has lasting impact in these kids' lives!

Camp Wannagetaway!

For the last two weeks of July, we ran day camp for junior high students, most of them from our drop-in centre.

We. Had. A. Blast. 

We made bubble tea, art, played at Between The Lines and SO much more! Most importantly, we shared the Good News with these kids every single day with a 'Thought of the Day'. These two weeks opened so many opportunities to speak life, hope, grace and truth. We talked about honesty, comparison and how following Jesus is the best way to live. I pray Camp Wannagetaway has lasting impact in these kids' lives!

Spiritual RetreatFrom July 14th-16th, I went wilderness camping on Kukagami Lake for a spiritual retreat with a few staff.   Wow.  It was beautiful and quiet, an incredible time to come away, spend time with the Lord and dream about what's to come in ministry.   There were a lot of highlights from this retreat, including catching some fish. I like fishing! Who knew! I'm really thankful for this time to come away, in the quiet and with minimal distractions, and spend time with Jesus.

Spiritual Retreat

From July 14th-16th, I went wilderness camping on Kukagami Lake for a spiritual retreat with a few staff. 


It was beautiful and quiet, an incredible time to come away, spend time with the Lord and dream about what's to come in ministry. 

There were a lot of highlights from this retreat, including catching some fish. I like fishing! Who knew!
I'm really thankful for this time to come away, in the quiet and with minimal distractions, and spend time with Jesus.

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Work Friends
I am blown away by God's provision and guidance, especially with Work Friends. Ainsley and I felt the Lord's prompting to start this little podcast as a way to "meet" and extend conversations to a wider group of students. It's grown into something bigger than we could have imagined. It's reaching students, young adults, parents, seniors and everyone in between!

Here are some highlights from the last few months:
- Hosting Youth Unlimited YFC's national conference
- Sitting down with guests to talk about identity and eating disorders, technology, Imposter Syndrome and more
- Creating our fifth season, set to release in the fall
Click here to listen along!

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- For God to grow the seeds that were planted at Camp Wannagetaway

- For vision, discernment and creativity for ministry in the fall. There are a few things up in the air, including whether we'll be able to be in the schools

- For peace only God can give; many students are wrestling with anxiety and uncertainty about the future.

As I reflect on this past school year, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for journeying and walking alongside me in this call God has given me to invest in youth. The stories and new things that are happening is a testament to God's provision and faithfulness; you are included in that.

I hope and pray you are encouraged.

If you would like to partner with me in sharing the good news of the Gospel with youth in North Perth, you can do so by clicking the 'donate' button below and of course, by praying for me and the rest of the team.

All For His Glory,