Trevor & Hannah Martin
Stress, anxiety and depression are at an all time high in university and college students. Each student has their own stressors that impact their day to day and the isolation of the pandemic amplifies the negative thoughts and feelings. Power to Change has been a helpful community for many to build friendships to walk through these tough times together. Our hope is not only that our students would thrive in their mental health during this time, but also that they could help their friends who don't know Christ thrive as well. We are addressing mental health issues in a couple of different ways.
We have also addressed this need on our P2C-Students blog and had training for our staff to know how to address languishing mental health in ourselves or those we are serving. Through all of this, we are reminded that God is in control. He knows the pain and struggles of each person and is not far from those who seek Him.
Please pray with us for these students in this last month of this school year. They are currently in mid-terms and final exams/assignments are looming.
Family fun
Some links you might like
1) Mental health series on the P2C-Students blog
2) Sparrow by Corey Asbury (a song that Trevor's been listening to)
3) Monster Cookies (this recipe makes a lot so save some dough made into balls in the freezer for a quick batch later)
God is doing amazing things through students amidst the hardships.
Please pray that God and His gospel
would be the hope for a hurting generation.
Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus