Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM
Greetings from a very snowy part of Canada! We are headed out to slightly warmer climes for Board of Governors meetings and then an SIM Leaders Gathering.
Here are some items for prayer over the coming week or so:
Praise for SIM's Board of Governors members who generously contribute time and expertise to serve on the Board. Pray for good discussions and wise direction as the Board meets Feb 19-21.
Praise for the opportunity to have a gathering with 150 SIM leaders from around the world Feb 24-28. Andrea has been part of the planning team. Praise that all visas have been issued.
Phil has significant responsibility in leading each day of the gathering. Pray for the time together with leaders that we will listen to God, listen to each other and have clarity about how we will work together for the future.
This leaders gathering is a very significant event for SIM and Phil's time as International Director. Please pray that God would provide us his protection in all aspects and that in all our conversations and discussions God will be glorified.
We continue to give praise that Andrea’s dad has had no immediate side effects from his immunotherapy treatments.
Thanks for praying for us!
Phil & Andrea