Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

October 7 2024

Thank you for your prayers for us.
Here are some requests for prayer in the next couple of weeks:

  • We praise God for the time we had with the International Leadership and Services Team in Charlotte this past week, as well as with SIM Canada workers at their conferences. It was great to be together with these different groups and hear what God is doing.

  • Liam and Meridith have moved to Ottawa. We were able to join them this past weekend and help them unpack into their new apartment. Please pray that they will settle in well to living and working in a new city, and that they can find a good church. 

  • We head off to Asia today to spend time with a team that does a lot of recruiting and sending of cross cultural workers. We will be at their Board meeting, speak at their team conference and also connect with some of the churches in their area. Pray for safe travel, good health and that we will be a blessing to all we meet.

  • Praise God that Andrea's Dad is doing well. He expects to get an update this week on tests and find out if any further treatment is required.  

Thanks for praying for us!
Phil & Andrea




Esther Frey - Puerto Rico