Please note: Consent Forms are required for all events.

For more information contact the church office (519-669-2319 or info@wbconline.ca) or Katie (Youth Ministry Coordinator, katie@wbconline.ca)

SUMMER QUENCH - Wednesday Nights July 10th - August 28th

While Friday Night Youth is over for the Summer… Summer Youth is here! Join us Wednesday nights for fun & connection (similar to Friday Night Youth). Please complete the Summer Youth Consent form before attending.


Weekly Small Groups
On Wednesday Nights, join us for Youth Girls and Youth Guys Small Groups @ WBC from 7-9 p.m. starting September 20th! This will provide youth with the opportunity to meet, pray and learn with one another in a safe and welcoming environment on a weekly basis. Topics for Youth small groups may mirror Sunday Morning Teaching or be decided by leaders based on group interest and questions. Please complete the required consent form, linked above.

friday nights

Stay tuned to Quench on Facebook or Instagram for the any changes/updates.


Ben & Bella Wideman, Aron & Maria Klassen, Austin Penner, Victoria Martin, Dianna & Ryan Fowler, Nick Martin, Alejandro Ramirez, Sylvia & Kyle Wideman 

Follow us on Facebook WBC Youth (Quench) or Instagram wbcquench for weekly updates on events or visit the Information Center at WBC for a list of upcoming scheduled events.