Gord & Heather Martin - March 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  God willing, I am going to Sudan and Ethiopia March 7-24 with Yonatan Hiruy to minister to refugees who have been displaced by the war there, and to explore possible future ministry to them. Please pray for guidance and effective ministry at every step of the way. There will be lots of spontaneity! Indy is still facing hurdles to his return to Canada. He has a new plan. Pray ok? The Ottawa Persian church is planning their first baptism on March 11th. Praise God!!

Charlotte Martin - March 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: I have found a new housemate who will move in at the end of March. February 22-24 we were able to have in person meetings with all of the P2C-Students supervisors. It was good to be together, reflect on the past and talk about the future. Our UBC group postponed an event on campus due to some pushback from the LGBTQ community. This resulted in some great engagement with the LGBTQ group and it seems that one of the members has made a decision to follow Jesus.  PRAY: That our team would plan quality mission trips despite having lower numbers than desired. We were praying for 50 students, but it looks like we will send around 35ish students. For wisdom to know which mission trips I should visit this summer. I have two different sets of meetings in BC in March. Pray for safe travels and good connections with colleagues.

J&R K - South Asia - March 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  Praise the Lord J received his visa in good time and arrived back the day he started teaching. Trial exams went well for our eldest. We’ve got a busy term ahead with helping students put on a drama for parent’s week. Pray for the Youth Fellowship retreat this month where our Sr. School kids will be off campus. May hearts be soft and receptive to Good News! Praise the Lord for continued open doors with the ladies’ study groups - my they seek & find Jesus!

Ray & Carol Jones - March 2023

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry)  PRAISE: Thankful for a good trip to our grandson's wedding in Arizona. The Lord opened a number of doors to witness, teach and encourage. Thankful that Carol seems  to be doing better these days, in some ways.  PRAY: Carol has been in some considerable pain and difficulty with an ongoing UTI infection. The medical folk don't seem to be able to come up with the right treatment and she is experiencing some severe discomfort. My diary is quite full so I would appreciate prayer for health, strength and the Lord's continuing guidance. The miles are piling up on my car so I would appreciate 'health' for that too! Please pray that the Lord would move in hearts to get families and children into the various Christian camps over the summer.

Les & Sharon Frey - March 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE: For the many and varied opportunities to serve the Lord and the health to do it. Encouraging answers to prayer. Seven couples including us have responded to cover the need at present for marriage mentoring. PRAY: Pray for the 50 seniors who hear the Bible studies given twice a month in four different places. Pray for Les as he speaks twice at the Spanish church and another time in Shelburne. April 1, Les speaks at a men’s breakfast in Oakville. Pray for the seven couples being mentored at WBC this year.