Jenn Brubacher - Youth For Christ

Jenn Brubacher
Campus Life Director

June 2022

I Have All That I Need

The LORD is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.

Psalm 23:1

I've come back to this passage many times over the last few months. It's a constant reminder of God's goodness, provision, direction and grace.
I'm praying for you in this season. Whatever may come your way, may you find peace and comfort in our Creator, the giver of life.

It's been a full season! Here's a little window into what we've been doing in North Perth!

Tour For Teens
On June 11th almost 100 riders gathered in Listowel to bike 25km, 50km or 100km, all to raise funds for the ministry of Youth Unlimited YFC. The weather was absolutely fantastic and the event was a huge success! I'm thankful for the support of our community.

Hittin' the Trails
For the first time since the pandemic, we were able to take a group of students to Tobermory to hike the Bruce Trail. Again, the weather couldn't have been better! It was a gift to come away, have meaningful and silly conversations, and finish the year off well. These kids are amazing.

Arrow Leadership
Along with my work at Youth Unlimited YFC, I'm thrilled to begin the Emerging Leaders Program at Arrow Leadership! This is an 18 month program that focuses on Jesus-centred leadership. I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I begin this journey on June 24th. To learn more about Arrow Leadership, click here.

Upcoming Events:

Arrow Leadership Program - June 24
Golf Tournament - July 6
Camp Wannagetaway - July 18-22
Senior High Camping trip at Cyprus Lake - July 28-29
Project Serve - August 7-11
Youth Camp at Conestoga Bible Camp - August 27- September 2


- Families in financial crisis
- Two of our student's father was in a serious accident, pray for immense healing and provision
- Summer camps, students would come to know Jesus

Thank you for your prayer and support over the last few months-- it means the world to me knowing you're in my corner, and I'm grateful we get to do this with Jesus. Please reach out and let me know how I can be praying for you in this season!

All For His Glory,


Russ & Meredith Martin

Oral Bible Story App Reaches Remote Area

“He’s from a really remote area. When he’s sending us audio messages you can hear crickets in the background because he’s messaging at night time.” One of the teams we are supporting recently relayed a story to us regarding an app designed to help a hard to reach Muslim minority group understand oral Bible stories in southeast Asia.

The representative from the missionary team continued, “This guy sent me a screenshot and said, ‘I’ve listened to 6 of the 36 stories already.’ It’s some guy in the middle of nowhere and you couldn’t really go there if you wanted to.” This team has received multiple messages from users who are interested in conversing about the Bible stories they heard on the app.

This particular group of people is hard to reach, has special language challenges, is displaced by war and politically sensitive. While physically it’s hard to be on the ground ministering to these people, a special app containing oral Bible stories in their language, designed for low-bandwidth contexts, has been distributed amongst some living in refugee camps and in turn is spreading to others, desperate for hope and knowing what God is really like.

For security reasons, we can’t be more specific, but we praise God for how his Word is going forth to new people and places through digital strategies. Many are hearing the good news of Jesus for the first time. Your faithful support enables projects like this. Thank you for your friendship and your partnership in leading the next generation of global missions.

Photos below:
A. First family trip off the island in 3+ years
B. A special weekend together
C. Kids heading to school downtown

Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Summer Mentorship

P2C is doing a summer mentorship program (Career-based) to help students and new grads to integrate their faith in their career. Would you or anyone you know be interested in connecting 3-4 times this summer with a student in a similar career? The application deadline is June 6. Click the button below for more info and/or to apply. Feel free to respond with any questions as well.

Prayer Items

1. Praise God that this spring marks 3 years that Trevor has been out of the hospital and has been mentally healthy since then!

2. Please pray for Hannah's teeth. She had to get a root canal a couple months ago, but she still has pain after the recovery. Hannah has been to many appointments related to this and there has been a growing financial cost. Please pray for a suitable solution/resolution to this.

3. Please pray for our daughter Amelia's faith. She has been interested in various spiritual activities and has been asking good questions. Please pray for us as parents to led her well spiritually and that God will bring her to saving faith, in his timing!

Kid Corner

Thank you for your support in helping students to discover Jesus!

Trevor & Hannah - June 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 37 students and new grads who have applied for our career summer mentorship program to learn how to integrate faith in various careers. Please pray that we can have enough mentors. PRAY: For Hannah's Teeth. She had to get a root canal, but still has pain after the recovery. Please pray for a suitable solution/resolution to this. For some of the Summer Projects Trevor is working on: Preparing for fall student retreats and enhancing the student experience on our P2C-S website.

Russ & Meredith - June 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Spiritual openness from Russ' friend N. Heath's health has drastically improved over this time last year. Russ has hired a project coordinator which will help improve his team's capacity. PRAY: For Russ as he leads meetings with Lausanne's global leadership in New York City, June 13-17. For safe travels as we visit Canada during July. For 200 champions to host our #HACK event in October.