Russ & Meredith - November 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Over 900 participants joined from 60 cities in 34 countries at our Indigitous Hackathon event during October working on many innovative projects to bring the gospel where it's not. Russ had a sudden trip to the US for some meetings which were very fruitful. Some COVID-19 restrictions are easing, making daily life more enjoyable. PRAY: For healing, restoration as Meredith is still struggling with her immune system after her second covid shot three months ago. For opportunities to share Christ with friends (N, F, N, Q) in our apartment complex. For Russ as he leads a number of strategic planning meetings during November.

Charlotte Martin - November 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: There was a student from BC who gave their life to Christ at the end of October. We have finalized our locations for 2022 mission trips. PRAY: November is a busy month for me with travel (one domestic trip and one international trip), seminary class assignments, and mission trip promotion starting. We have decided on the locations for our 2022 mission trips. Now we are now trusting God for staff to lead the trips and students to apply. Continue to pray that I would grow as a discerning/spirit-led leader.

Les & Sharon - November 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Opportunities for speaking to adults and children. Marriage mentoring is going well. God has supplied our needs in every way. He has answered some specific prayers recently. Our email was hacked but restored in several days. PRAY: Les has been asked to speak twice to the WBC kids about every six weeks. Pray for online students from Mexico and Venezuela to come to faith and those who are believers to grow. For wisdom and fruit in our varied activities and contacts.

Esther Frey - November 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Our dear Father took care of me last week of October as I spent three days in the hospital with a cellulitis infection and also a hernia problem. With lots of antibiotics I feel much better. Still have a few days of antibiotics, then my doctor wants to consult a surgeon as to further intervention. A church wants to send a few young people to help me clean out my office. A tremendous project initiated by my family doctor. My Christian family has been so helpful, prayer, staying with me in the hospital, cleaning at my home, bringing meals. All of you are included in the prayer support. Thanks. Our seniors enjoyed a wonderful time with my doctor and her husband thinking of needs as we grow older and being reminded of Caleb's strong desire to serve at age 85. PRAY: Some of us are taking a workshop on preparing a Christmas special for children. We will have an early morning Thanksgiving service sharing testimonies followed by breakfast. A temporary date, Nov 27, has been set to choose a new camp committee. All the past members have retired. Office cleanup. Puerto Rico mail is still being sent to the States before being delivered here.