Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah Martin - March 2024

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a good winter retreat at the start of February in Cambridge. About 50 students came, mostly from UWaterloo and a few from Laurier. They had fellowship, fun and learned about Walking in the Spirit and how to share the gospel. For a new believer at Uwaterloo and another one at the University of Calgary! Pray for them to grow and be discipled well. PRAY: For health for our family as we've had some sickness hampering us. For wisdom and God's guidance as we work on our summer plans.

Russ & Meredith Martin - March 2024

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: Russ' digital platform project is going well with good progress on a prototype. Effective team meetings in Phuket, Thailand and good progress on key projects. Our community group at church is connecting deeply in ministering Jesus' grace to each other amongst the trials of life. PRAY: For Meredith as she leads a creative team. It can be hard doing creative processes over distance and there is a ton to design ahead of the Lausanne congress in September. Pray that the creative juices would flow and for effective communication and collaboration. Pray for more people to fill key leadership roles alongside Russ in the Lausanne congress for September. We're hoping for a restful break during the last two weeks of March to recharge as a family. Pray that our kids would make deepening friendships at our apartment complex.

Gord & Heather Martin - March 2024

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY:  Indy had another heart attack this week, subsequently had a stent inserted, please pray for his recovery. He has a huge desire to reach out to the 20K Burmese Buddhists living in Canada. The Ottawa Persian church is planning a baptism for 8 on March 9th. I plan to be there. Pray for these new believers, taking "first steps". The VMC Thinking Shrewdly conference will be in April. Pray for a stirring of the Spirit as church leaders gather, from coast to coast. 

Charlotte Martin - March 2024

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Despite a stomach bug hitting everyone, our February mission trip to Honduras went well. They were able to support the local ministry through helping with small maintenance projects, doing community outreach to children and youth, and some nursing students helped run medical clinics. We are almost finished processing mission trip applications. We currently have 50 students accepted for our 6 spring and summer trips. February 23 I got to do a retreat day with some local colleagues. It was spiritually refreshing and renewing. PRAY: We would love to send 1-2 international interns to serve with our partnership in Desert Rain from September 2024 to July 2025. The deadline to apply is March 21. We currently don't know of many interested people. Pray for God to raise up 1-2 people for this opportunity. Pray for students as they fundraise and prepare for spring/summer mission trips. Pray also for the trip directors who are busy figuring out logistics and making plans. Pray for good flight prices for all our trips. Currently I am planning how to lead my team through our spring strategic planning process. Pray for wisdom and creativity.

J&R K - South Asia - March 2024

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE:  Praise the Lord we have settled back into school life well. We sure hit the ground running! Pray for all our staff and students as we prepare for a very large alumni event coming up the first week of April where 300+ former staff & alumni will join us from all over the world to celebrate the school’s 125 years in service. Pray that the message of Christ would encourage many who come. Pray especially for favour with local authorities & for the planning committee. May the light of the gospel shine through all we do!