Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - December 2023

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For the opportunities for rest and reflection during this brief sabbatical period. For the face-to-face time in November with the International Leadership Team as Joshua, our current International Director prepares to hand over to Phil.

For Liam's new job. PRAY: That God would continue to guide us and grant us his peace as we move into this transition period. That Phil can make wise use of his sabbatical time to reflect and realign. For both of us as we desire to allow God to show us the ways that he wants us to lead and minister in this next season. For God's care and protection over us and our kids.

Jenn Brubacher - Youth for Christ (local)

PRAISE: I’m thankful for the training opportunities I’ve had this month, graduating from the Arrow Leadership program and attending the Youth For Christ International conference in the Netherlands, being a part of the Young Leaders track. 850 staff and volunteers from 100 nations gathered together to worship, learn and pray, and it was a small slice of what heaven will be like. PRAY: Please pray for M and C, both former students who don’t know Jesus and have experienced significant mental health issues over the last couple of months. Pray for me as I walk with them.

Trevor & Hannah Martin - November 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a successful regional fall retreat called Summit, with about 400 students in attendance. For a Daycare spot for our daughter Avery 3 days a week. This is a huge blessing, lets Hannah do more campus ministry and gives a bit more flexibility.  PRAY: For GOvember where we invite students from across Canada to consider going on a mission trip. For the follow-up from our Oct 23-27 "Jesus Week" at UWaterloo. We had various initiatives and pray that they will lead to gospel themed conversations with non-Christians.

Russ & Meredith Martin - November 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: The release of the Seoul Congress brand went well. Russ was safe, healthy and productive with a heavy travel schedule in October. 3 new people joining Russ' communications team. We see the gospel taking root in those we are journeying with in the community group we host in our home on Fridays. PRAY: Provision of people with specific digital skills to help Russ' team. Pray that our kids would make deepening friendships at our apartment complex. Pray for wisdom, compassion and empathy as we journey with a number of people in challenging personal and marital situations.

Robert & Susan - November 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE:  IM was granted parole and is adjusting to his halfway house. He is searching for employment and carefully trying to connect with a church. We have had opportunity to once again do several chapel services at the (federal) Assessment unit with good attendance. This particular institution has taken longer to get back to pre-Covid scheduling so it is great to have the open door again.  PRAY: CB was denied parole and is grappling with the disappointment. He has struggled with mental health issues; pray that his faith would remain strong. Pray with us for G. J. K. K. and B. They Have all heard the gospel. Pray that it would be a reality in their lives and not just more spiritual information.