Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah Martin - July 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: That Trevor was able to learn a lot from and complete his Church History course this spring. For God's continual provision to meet our needs.  PRAY:  For the 4 women at the University of Waterloo that Hannah is discipling this spring. For God's wisdom and guidance as we solidify some of our summer and fall priorities. For God's wisdom and guidance if we should pursue childcare for Avery (if a spot happens to become available).

Russ & Meredith Martin - July 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: We arrived safely in Canada for a visit. Successful trip to South Asia to pioneer new Indigitous communities. Preparations for the Seoul 2024 Lausanne congress are going well.  PRAY:  For good connections with family, friends and supporters during a visit to Canada in July. That Russ would navigate some challenging strategic challenges in developing a digital platform plan. Continued restoration of health for Meredith and Gwenyth, skin issues/infections.

Robert & Susan - July 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: Following our regular chapel service at Bath Inst on June 25 we were able to baptize RP. There were 39 men in attendance; we praise God for the evident working of the Holy Spirit during the service and baptism. RP requested I baptize him April 2022; patience pays off in Corrections. Pray for the ongoing work of God in the hearts of all who were in attendance. We have also been asked to do a monthly chapel service in Collins Bay Medium Inst.  PRAY: JP  is a Christian working through a long sentence.  He was transferred in from the Pacific region 2 weeks ago. Pray that I would have wisdom to encourage and support him. LM  is showing interest in spiritual things; I desire to present the gospel clearly. AR was transferred to the maximum security mental health unit. I have been allowed only one visit to date. Pray that I would be granted further visits and have wisdom to understand his struggles and give him wise spiritual counsel.

Gord & Heather Martin - July 2023

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER  (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries)   PRAISE/PRAY: Indy is still in India and will not be home for the Chin Churches conference this coming week in Winnipeg. I plan to be there and would appreciate your prayer for Spirit appointments and guidance in my speaking. The Nigerians had a great gathering at Liebenzell Mission on the June 17-18 weekend. They are counting the cost of doing mission in Canada. They are pumped!

Charlotte Martin - July 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: All of our mission trips have finished. Each trip went well, there were no major crises and the student participants had great experiences. Early June I visited the Praxis Ottawa mission trip. I enjoyed participating in ministry activities, getting to know the students, and doing a retreat with them. I have two weeks of vacation this month to spend time with family and recharge.  PRAY: Some of our mission trip staff teams struggled with conflict and others came home really tired. Pray for reconciliation between staff who struggled to work well together and pray for rest for our staff after busy mission trips. I am planning a global missions session at our staff conference in August. Pray that this session would be helpful and inspirational for staff. My team is seeking to diversify our mission trip offerings for next year. Pray for us as we explore some new opportunities.