Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah Martin - May 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: That our daughter Avery (1 year old) has improved somewhat in letting others care for her. Her stranger anxiety has decreased and please pray that she can fully allow others to take care of her and let us as parents leave. For 2 new staff joining the Waterloo Staff team next school year!  PRAY: For wisdom and God's guidance in confirming our spring/summer plans and priorities. For our daughter Amelia's (6 years old) spiritual growth. We are encouraged by her desire to follow Jesus and learn about God and the Bible. But please pray for us to guide, model and care for her well spiritually and that she will continue to grow.

Russ & Meredith Martin - May 2023

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: God brought a leader to help with the Seoul 2024 online experience. Good spiritual conversations with neighbors at Easter and opportunities to go deeper. Lots of opportunities to serve, care for church members, neighbors and colleagues.  PRAY: That Wyatt would develop friendships at our apartment complex. Continued restoration of health for Meredith and Gwenyth, skin issues/infections. That Russ would navigate some challenging personnel situations with grace and truth.

Robert & Susan - May 2023

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: Excellent attendance and participation in a 5 week Bible study that is in progress right now. Tonight (Wednesday) is week #3 - We have had 25 men in attendance. J is in the process of restoration following restitution  with his family members.  There needed to be genuine humbling before this could happen.  PRAY:  The current government strike is affecting our access to the institutions. (One of the unions with corrections is striking in solidarity.) There have been interruptions to our regular scheduling.  Pray that the issues will be resolved soon. 

Charlotte Martin - May 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: God has provided almost all the funds students needed for mission trips. Logistics are coming together and 3 of the 4 trips start the first week of May. God provided me with a new housemate who moved in this month. PRAY: That everyone would safely make it to their mission trip locations and pray that God would open doors for the gospel to be shared. My team is currently making our plans for next school year. Pray for discernment to know what to prioritize and how to set goals. Pray for wisdom to know how to go about raising more personal ministry funds this summer.