Praise & Prayer

Jenn Brubacher - February 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I was thankful to attend and emcee YFC's Eastern regional retreat in Cobourg, gathering with staff from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The more time I spend with this volleyball team, the more I am reminded of the gift it is to be present in students' lives. They are starting to share things they are wrestling with, enjoying and thinking through. Trust is being built, which is an honour and responsibility. Our junior high drop-in is growing!  PRAY: Pray for students as they enter exam season. These are the first exams since the pandemic, and stress and anxiety levels are high. Continue to pray for 'Georgia,' that she would continue to choose life, for the student that lost a family member a few weeks ago, and for the student who has a strained relationship with their parents. Our team needs God's presence, wisdom and care to walk with these students well.

J&R K - South Asia

Faithful Prayer Partners,

We've recently returned from some time away getting rested & refreshed. R has jumped back into work full-time while the boys enjoy the remainder of their winter break. One of the perks of boarding school life is extra-long breaks between semesters!

We're thankful for your prayers as we gear up for another term. We love hearing from you as well, so do drop us a note anytime!

PRAISE the Lord for a truly restful time away. J was quite ill with the flu the last week of term, and R caught it just as we were leaving the country. Praise the Lord for the perfect place to land. We spent lots of time resting, getting over our sicknesses and then enjoying the wonderful fellowship of dear friends at their home in a nearby country. 

PRAISE for some fruitful meetings with the ladies groups before our absence and also while we were away. Our local friend who has been organizing food distribution among these families organized a time of sharing the gospel story from Creation to Christ at each of the groups that were willing to have us come. R was able to use her Urdu to share with one group of women and we offered New Testaments to anyone who wanted them. Everyone wanted a copy!

PRAY for favour with the Foreign Regional Registration Office as J has applied for visa conversion. We found out in November that he was issued the wrong visa type back in July. Pray that everything would go smoothly, and that no issues would arise for J or the School.

PRAY too for R's Indian Identity card issuance. This is needed for many things including banking and SIM card registration among other things. We have applied twice only to have the application rejected for unknown reasons. 

PRAY for the new staff joining us at school this month and for those who have transitioned out. This type of environment is always very transitional. May we be welcoming and faithful in the roles the Lord has placed us here.

The group of women R shared with before Christmas holding their food packs and New Testaments.

R with the new Admissions Secretary. Both of us are taking over from long-time-serving staff who retired this December.

The boys thoroughly enjoyed our time exploring another country over the break.

Dear friends from our past ministry days who graciously hosted & spoiled us over Christmas.

Phil & Andrea - January 2023

Thank you for your interest and prayers. Here are some items for this month
Praise God:

  • For a great end to the year and some slower times over the Christmas season.

  • For great times together as family.

  • That Andrea's boss Helen is back from sabbatical.

  • That Cara has secured housing close to the university where she is working for the next 8 months. She also has housing arranged for her final year too!

  • That we can go away to find warmer weather to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary - almost 3 years late!.

Please pray 

  • For a relaxing, refreshing vacation time.

  • Wisdom as we prioritise work at the start of the new year.

  • For Cara as she starts her new co-op job at the university.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea

Les & Sharon - January 2023

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church)  PRAISE:  We are glad for several weeks of some down time before renewing activities.  We are thankful for health and internet contacts with family and friends far away.  PRAY:  Les’ four studies will start again. Pray for the 45 or so that attend twice a month.  For the Marriage Mentoring at WBC as a new invitation to receive this ministry will be sent out soon.  For our Spanish involvement with contacts and opportunities for Les to speak.  Les has several messages to give either in Spanish or English each month.

Trevor & Hannah - January 2023

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE:  For an improvement in our daughter Amelia's emotional health in the last couple of months. With the help of an occupational therapist, we've been able to see less frequent meltdowns and Amelia being better able to monitor and process her emotions. Please pray for her continued growth!  For our baby Avery who just celebrated her 1st birthday!  For a UK exchange student who made a decision to follow Jesus at our BC Summit fall retreat!  PRAY:  For Hannah as she has finished her maternity leave and will be returning to campus ministry in the New Year. She will be shifting her focus from U of W to help at Laurier in the winter semester.  For our ministry to raise up more staff and labourers for the harvest, especially in Quebec.