Missionary Letters

Josh & Deanna Blight - Graphite Bible Camp

Blight Family Update

March 2022

We’d love to hear from you! 
Josh (613) 553-4402
Deanna (519) 588-5298

These words have been on our hearts to share for months and finally taking time to put on paper!

Past 2 ¾ years

July 2019 to March 2020 were full! Moving and starting a new life here and throwing ourselves into nonstop camp life during summer and into retreats etc.. Looking back, we don’t think we could have kept balancing family with camp life; prioritizing our own kids and wanting time with family at home as well as memory making while Jorden was still with us. If there was ever a free weekend at camp we were usually gone. It couldn’t have been sustainable. 

As the world slowed, so did we a little in some areas. Josh has kept working through it all, and was able to get more projects done on grounds.  The kids and I kept busy with school, growing seedlings for the new garden, and normal daily living. Oftentimes we did wonder if we were actually supposed to be here? It sure looked different than we imagined! 

During Covid, we’ve participated in clothing swaps, several youth events, takeout nights, modified activities, some retreats, kids club, and handing out food to families in addition to camp this past summer!


500 kids! Truth was spoken through the Word being shared, songs, summer staff, and daily memory verses which they can carry for life. The staff are also fed the truth  and deepen relationships with other Christian friends. This is an encouraging part in their journeys. It was a joy to see firsthand. I think summer is equally about the kids as it is about the staff. Whether they come from solid Christian homes or don’t have that environment, they have been so thankful to be at camp. 

Another highlight was seeing 8 youth baptized on 3 occasions during  the summer(consisting of campers and staff), one being our daughter Sophia. We had a celebration of life for Jorden on the Saturday and the next day was Sophia's baptism.  What a busy, but special weekend. We are so thankful for the church family,  as well as immediate family and friends that shared both of those days with us.

More Recent

Before Christmas the camp along with those from local churches prepared an outdoor Christmas experience to share with the community. It was picturesque and  a great way to share the message of hope during these times when we all need it more than ever and feel so much more limited in what we can do.  It was a blessing to come together  and see people so willing to use their time & gifts and just getting to know one another better along the way. As a family, our kids dressed up and were acting in the marketplace,  while Josh shared the message at the last stop and I got to meet each group after for a  hot drink. We saw 300 people come through!

We’ve also had a unique opportunity to deliver food that our camp cook prepared  to people in the community. We thanked God for the  connection to camp or else we don’t think it would be received so eagerly! 

Josh was able to finish his bus training this fall that was paused during covid and has been driving most weeks since; taking on short-term routes while drivers are off. There've been a lot of familiar faces from camp and a good way to keep connections going and make new ones. He’s also been speaking once a month at different churches. It’s been a nice way to meet people!

Earlier this year the director at camp resigned so things have looked different once again. We are planning for the summer season and trusting God to provide who and what is needed to fill in the gaps. 

Thanks so very much for your generous gift last month and showing love and support to our family during what has been a year of so much joy, but grieving and growing for our family as well. God is GOOD, faithful and always working. Sometimes it just takes more faith to believe.  And may we continue to look around and encourage each other during every season of life. “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Found in Galatians 6:10 (read ch. 5 and previous verses in ch. 6 to see how we can live by the spirit and not just get tired striving in our own strength)

 To God be the GLORY, great things He has done and IS doing. 


-500 kids through day camps, and 300 at Christmas for the Walk of Hope

-Times of reflection and refreshment have been so helpful … covid slowed life down a bit and we are grateful for the time to be able to connect better in our new community and church family. As crazy as that sounds, because covid has also made it harder in ways. But just being able to go to church each week and not be tied up most weekends has helped in that area. 

-Our kids are thankful for many good friends at school and church. 

-Although many things don’t go as planned we have been able to see God’s control many times and know He made us and knows what’s best! 


-Camp planning, keeping connected with summer staff year round. Being faithful where we are. 

-Community Relationships

-Wisdom in what to invest time in

From Deanna on behalf of Josh & our family

Russ & Meredith Martin

Responding With Prayer to the Crisis in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Needed Prayer. The Russian Volunteered.

Christianity Today recently wrote this article describing a tearful scene from an emergency prayer meeting convened by the Lausanne Movement, with which we serve.

Angela, a Ukrainian, described, "As I heard Alexey’s heartfelt prayer for me, my family, and my country Ukraine, I could not contain my tears. His pain was real. His words reminded me that I was part of a family not based on nationality, skin color, or status. Only Jesus. Out of all the people that God could have used to comfort me that day, He used a Russian brother to give me a glimpse of His heart."

Russ' team works behind the scenes, making sure that all the details are coordinated so that the right people can join meetings like this and the technology "just works" to connect people across geographic boundaries for global mission - and in this case, an essential moment of prayer.

WBC Friends, your faithful support enables moments of global collaboration like this. Thank you for your friendship and your partnership in leading the next generation of global missions.

Photos below:
A. Heath's 6 year old birthday gift from his grandparents - a Bible to match his siblings. He recently made a personal decision to follow Jesus!
B. Gwen loves thick, black soy sauce.
C. For Chinese New Year, Meredith made traditional, allergy-friendly treats - pineapple tarts.

Trevor & Hannah Martin

Sadie’s Story

Steph is one of our staff who I (Trevor) supervise and she ministers at the University of Calgary. This school year she’s been meeting regularly with a 4th year student leader named Neka for discipleship and they’ve also been trying to reach out to share Christ with Neka’s friends. Over the past few months, they've been getting to know and having great conversations with one of Neka’s friend’s named Sadie. A couple weeks ago, they met up with Sadie again. When they met, Sadie exclaimed this statement, "So I wanted to tell you guys, this past Sunday I declared my faith in Christ!"

Steph replied, "Oh that's so exciting! Tell us more, what did that look like?"After a few clarifying questions, it was a joyful time to celebrate Sadie giving her life to Christ! Sadie has been reading the Bible regularly, a chapter a day, and recently just finished Genesis. Sadie asked Steph, "I wanted to ask you guys, what now? What should I do next?" Sadie has a desire to grow in her new found faith, which is so encouraging. She talked about how God wants to continue to work in her and transform her. The girls talked about what it means to surrender to Christ daily. And they are going to keep meeting up and talking about some practical ways to grow in spiritual disciplines like Bible reading, prayer and church community….So we can be praying for Sadie, our new sister in Christ!

Family Update

As we told you in our last update, baby Avery was born at home on December 16, so she is approaching 3 months old! We’ve been blessed by meals, gifts and other acts of kindness. And we’ve been adjusting to life as a family of 4 along with it’s joys and frustration. Amelia has adjusted to the big sister overall well, but with times of emotion that she hasn’t been able to verbalize. Avery has been sleeping fairly well at night, but sometimes is a cat naper during the day so far. And she’s been crankier the past few days, but we haven’t figured out quite why. Trevor returned to work last week after a couple of months of parental leave and Hannah is on Maternity leave until probably around November. We are grateful for your support, love, care and prayers for our family.

A Scholarship Opportunity

The last couple of years our ministry has been ramping up a scholarship program to help encourage new post-secondary students to get connected into Christian community and continue growing in their faith as they transition to college/university.

This year there are 43 scholarships available, totalling up to $30,000. The largest scholarship available is $3000, which is open to any applicant going to a publicly funded post-secondary institution in Canada. There will be twelve $1000 scholarships and thirty $500 scholarships.

Please encourage any graduating high school students you know to consider applying. More details and the link to apply is at the button below.

Thank you for your support in helping students to discover Jesus!

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

Compared to the excitement of December, January has been rather quiet. We began 2022, with an unwelcome guest in our home- Covid. Thankfully, symptoms weren’t bad, but it did cause a major interruption to our lives. We were still able to enjoy the last week and a half with Jessenia’s parents, though the visit didn’t look exactly the way we were hoping. At the same time, Omicron swept through Ecuador and we went back to staying at home and doing a lot of ministry online.

Currently, Covid numbers seem to be dropping, and things are slowly opening up again. Church has gone back to meeting in-person and we are hoping to begin in-person youth meetings next week.

We have some exciting news to share, we are expecting our second child and hope to travel back to Canada in March a couple months before the due date. We excited to welcome this new member into our family and we are of course looking forward to time spent with our family and church family. Please pray for us as we organize ourselves to leave for a few months and as we try to figure out traveling during Covid with a toddler and while pregnant.

As always, we are so grateful for your prayers and support,

Jessenia and Raul

Russ & Meredith Martin

What will 2022 look like?

Video (4 minutes) - What’s coming over the horizon in 2022…

Dear WBC Friends,

We are anticipating God working in our family and ministry in 2022. The above video captures in 4 minutes what we think God might have in store for us in 2022, as well as a little glimpse into what life is like for us and our kids at the moment. (We shot the above video for Wallenstein Bible Chapel, one of our supporting churches and wanted to share it with you.)

-- BONUS --
Here are two additional videos that share our plans for 2022. We find washing dishes, cleaning toilets, running errands or commute times are the perfect time to engage with content like the ones linked below. (By the way, Russ almost always listens at 2x speed.)

1. A Vision for the 21st Century World (13 minutes)
Michael Oh, Lausanne Movement CEO, shares about how the body of Christ is being prepared for what the world will be like in 2050.

One of Russ' major projects (Michael describes at 2:25) is a digital global platform for the connecting and the collaborating of the disciple-making ministry of the 99 percent. The 99 percent are those in the church who are not ministers or missionaries but want to be deeply involved in God's global mission for his church.

2. God's Call for Indigitous (29 minutes)
Russ shares about the 2022 plans for Indigitous, the network where he serves as Managing Director. We are trusting God for a global network of innovators that are equipped to bring the gospel where it needs to go with the same ambition Paul had in Romans 15 - to have the name of Christ heard where it has never been heard (watch at 15:40). There's also an acronym, BCE/III/JPR/TTV, that we invite you to join us in praying for (17:40).

WBC Friends, we are so glad to be journeying together into 2022. Thank you for your friendship and your partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below:
A. Bubble tea break after some family fun
B. Christmas gifts and cookies (!) from Canada arrived in 2 weeks
C. One of Gwen's Christmas presents was a date at the Cat Cafe