Phil & Andrea Bauman (SIM)

March 4 2025

Greetings from Cyprus! Thank you for your prayers! Last week was a great time with 150 SIM leaders from around the world at our Entity Leaders Gathering. The week before that the SIM Board of Governors held their meetings. 

Here are some items for praise and prayer over the coming week:

  • Praise for productive meetings of SIM's Board of Governors Feb 19-21. We are blessed to have a very engaged Board.

  • The Entity Leaders Gathering under the theme 'Together as One' was a real blessing. We spent time each day in worship, reflecting on scripture, in prayer and wrestling through tough questions about the ways we can best work together.

  • Thankfully most people got their visas and were able to attend despite a significant number of flight changes. Andrea and the other planning team members are very grateful that the event went very smoothly. 

  • Phil is very thankful for his leadership team who were a great resource as we listened to SIM leaders and debriefed at the end of each day. We are very grateful that the event gave us an opportunity to listen to God, listen to each other and discuss together how we will work together for the future.

  • Praise for a refreshing few days we (Andrea & Phil) had relaxing together in Cyprus as we recover from a very intensive few weeks.

  • Today, Mar 4th, we go to Greece to spend time with leaders who are participating in a SIM Leader Development event. We have no formal responsibility but it is a great time to connect with newer SIM leaders.

  • We head for home next weekend although Phil will detour to the US for a few days of meetings before he gets home.

  • Please pray for our house. With all the excessive snow and ice this year, there has been a a minor leak that Kieran noticed last week, please pray it doesn't get any worse. 

Thanks for praying for us!
Phil & Andrea 


Ron Bauman - short term mission


Russ & Meredith Martin