Jenn Brubacher - Youth For Christ

In the midst of death, destruction, and chaos, we see all around us Life, Light, Beauty, and Goodness. God is here, and He is moving. Here’s where we’ve been catching a whiff and glimpse of it:

“G” chatted for a long time about his school suspension and how he smokes a lot of weed. As he dove into details, I was almost taken aback by this new level of openness and comfort. He’s feeling more at home with us.

“T” was wearing a bright blue rosary, a gift from his friend who recently passed away. We talked for a long time about his friend's impact on him, and his eyes lit up as he shared memories. “And the guy read the Bible. Can you believe it?! I don’t really know what it’s all about, but I guess it’s made me curious. I wear this necklace when I miss him.”

I round the corner in the high school hallway and hear a gasp and shriek, “JENN! I’VE MISSED YOU!” The Muskoka Woods camper ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. We briefly chatted about that week of camp and how she wants to start coming to drop in again. She longs for a sense of community and belonging, and she’s gotten a taste of it with us.

“The reason why so many students come [to drop in] is because it’s a safe space. It’s safe.” -parent

“My mom always told me that I had purpose. I don’t think I have purpose anymore.”
-student, 16

“Whenever I come here, I feel peace.”
-student, 17

“I’m just depressed...[if I start talking], I’ll explode, and I won’t be able to stop.”
-student, 16

The weeks have been filled with connecting with students at drop-in, Youth Collective, sledding, field trips, coaching, and chatting with parents about the realities their children face, the gratitude they feel in the safe spaces we’re creating and the need for more!

We understand that none of the things we do are exceptional or special– it’s all very ordinary. Listening, asking good questions, being intentional, seeing students for who they are and where they are, feeding hungry bellies, being a place for them to land when life is great and when it’s falling apart– there’s no ‘secret sauce.’ And yet God, who is extraordinary, is doing the work only He can do: changing hearts. As we live our ordinary lives with an extraordinary God, embodying the Good News, and as we share our lives with students’, may we unplug our noses and refocus our eyes on the power of the day-to-day stuff to see Life, Light, Beauty, and Goodness that is all around us.


  • Deep, deep healing in R, S, G, B, R, and L’s life

  • Opportunities to connect with drop-in students outside of program time and for trust to continue to grow

  • God would stir deep curiosity for more in students

  • Students experience the presence of God

Thank you for your prayer, support, and for being an integral part of what God is doing in Listowel. We cannot do this without you! Thank you!


Felicity Frey - short term mission


Danielle Clemmer - short term mission