Dear Pray—ers!
Thanks for lifting us up through the holidays and as we’ve jumped back into Semester 2!
Here are a few ways you can partner with us in prayer this month.
As always, we are so grateful for your support in this way and in this work.
PRAY for staffing needs for August 2025. This time of year is when our current staff are reevaluating their calling, capacity, and commitments. Some are moving on due to family changes and others to pursue different avenues of work. It’s always an act of faith and trust in God that He will bring the right people for the openings here at the school. Pray for more long-term committed servants to join this work!
PRAY for the Alt Service (J leads), Prayer Breakfast (R leads) and all the other Christian Activities on campus. These avenues provide a beautiful platform for Gospel proclamation. May we see a deep work of the Holy Spirit in students’ lives this year.
PRAY for favour with the local, state & national government. We often feel pressed, persecuted and struck-down on this stage, but are holding onto God’s promise that we are not crushed, abandoned or destroyed when it comes to His work, timing or leading. May we have Gods favour as we hold forth the Word of Truth.
PRAISE that R's family made it safely back to Canada after a very different holiday than expected! Her brother is continuing to rest and heal from his accident and Travel Insurance proved very helpful in assisting with medical needs and special assistance for the journey home. We were so blessed by family coming to visit.
PRAISE for our upcoming production of Joseph & the Technicolor Dream Coat. While this dramatic re-telling may be quite far from the Biblical narrative, we’re excited to draw students and parents into the story and hope it will be a door-opener and conversation-starter for many of our student families who are skeptical about the Way of Jesus.
PRAISE for J’s 17th birthday! He celebrated alongside 2 other Korean schoolmates. We were encouraged to hear them praise his character with words like, “heart-for-God”, “good friend”, “welcoming”, and “creative”. May this year ahead be one of blessing, reliance on God and joy!
1. Prayers answered: Aaron made it out of the hospital on Christmas Eve!
2. Cycling on top of the world.
3. Sharing birthdays with friends - Josiah's 17th.
4. Look who made Heritage's front page last month!