Russ & Meredith Martin - Singapore
The State of the Great Commission Report Launches!
WBC Friends, we've been praying that this would be a defining moment for the global church.
Launching on Tuesday morning (eastern time), Tuesday night in Asia, The State of the Great Commission Report brings together the best global data and insights from 150 strategic thinkers.
The report from the Lausanne Movement seeks to guide us through the current state and future trajectory of global missions up to 2050, delving deep into ten crucial questions that will shape the church and global missions between now and 2050.
Meredith has guided the implementation of Lausanne's refreshed brand over the past year enabling this defining moment to happen. She oversaw the creative process of the web version of the report including the image selection. She was also a key contributor to the marketing and distribution plan.
Russ has lead the overall marketing, communications and digital strategy that undergirds this effort. Refreshing the brand, launching a refreshed website and building a team capable of translating a report into seven languages (in print and digital) and launching it out across all the movement's touch points are what he spends his day shepherding.
We would be honoured to have you join us at the launch event together with the body of Christ.
WBC Friends, your partnership has made this happen. We couldn't do it without you!