Jenn Brubacher - Youth For Christ (Listowel)

December 2023

What An Incredible Year!

I can't help but be filled with gratitude when I think about our impact this year. We coached 75 students, had 41 weeks of drop-in, and had countless conversations about the fantastic and brutal things in life. 

I walk through the hallways of the high school and hear, "Jenn! Hey!" or "Yooooo Jenny, I made the basketball team!" or "You're going to be at drop-in tonight? Good, I'll be there." I see students at coffee shops and extracurricular sports, more moments of connection outside our regular program times. I sit across from them as they share how they're struggling to have hope to live and celebrate their significant milestones and deep healing. The gift of time and proximity is immense, and young people know they have people in their corner they can trust. 

Christmas Campaign

I'm looking for 20 people to join my Christmas campaign to reach approx. $1000 in new monthly funding for my work at Youth Unlimited YFC, anywhere from $5- $200 (tax receiptable). I depend heavily on monthly giving for my fixed salary and program costs, making moments like those I shared above possible. We're already a fifth of the way there!

As you think about your year-end giving, will you pick a square and join the 51 others who are a part of bringing the Good News of Jesus to young people in our community? 

Thank you for being a part of this. Your prayers and financial support are meeting students in a very real, tangible way. God is making all things new, and He isn't finished yet!


Ray & Carol Jones (Guelph)


Raul & Jessenia - December 2023