Gord Martin (Vision Ministries)
Indy is home! A few of us met Indy at Pearson this morning (October 19). He's now on his way home to Winnipeg.
What an ordeal! I traveled with him in Myanmar/Burma in February of 2020. He's been there, separated from his family since then, experiencing one hurdle after another: the pandemic, covid, war, death of his father, constant danger, illegal escape to India, becoming a chaplain to land mine and bombing victims from Burma, heart attack, stents, recovery, unable to walk, stone walling from Indian authorities, help from Canadian Global Affairs and 3.5+ years of prayer by a group of 10 who prayed with and for him every Friday morning + many others who prayed!
Thank you LORD!!!
Thanks very much for all of you who have prayed for his safe return!