Gord Martin

Good morning to you all!

Our teachers are in place. Jean-Paul Tingityabo will be teaching with us. (Originally from Congo, now in Uganda) We have worked with him before. All our classes will be taught in English this time. No interpretation required for this group.

The curriculum is finished, the manuals have been printed.

Students have been recruited for training sessions in Nairobi

We have our tickets…looks like a grueling series of flights and waaaiiiting!

We don’t have our final e-visas yet. That’s important. I submitted my application successfully this morning, should take two days.

We have received over 20K so far. Enough to cover the costs of this training session but not enough for the annual VMK budget of $61,965

If you’d like to contribute, the options for doing so can be found at https://vision-ministries.org/donate/ At the Canada Helps button https://vision-ministries.org/donate/canadahelps/ You will see the following

1. VMC General Fund

2. Vision Ministries Kenya

2022 AFRICA Trip

There are three things I would like prayer for:

  1. My voice. I will be doing a lot of speaking. My voice hasn’t been the same since I strained it some years ago after doing a lot of speaking in Burundi

  2. Sleep. I am not a great sleeper. If I don’ sleep well, my voice is the first thing to be negatively affected.

  3. There are some last minute logistics to be worked out in Nairobi in terms of training location and facilities. Ishmael’s headache!

  4. Oh, one more thing! Those e-visas


Chris and I will be speaking with Ishmael this afternoon by zoom. We are getting excited!


Gord Martin with Chris Atkinson

My Phone number is 519-501-5933


Raul & Jessenia Espinoza


Phil & Andrea Bauman