Phil & Andrea - September 2020 Update
For improvement for Kieran's badly sprained ankle.
For a colleague who was ministering in the Middle East who has been able to make it back to their passport country after many delays.
That Phil's sermon on Sep 6th went well.
That the SIM International Board meetings are progressing well - albeit virtually.
For providing Liam with a promise of employment for his 8-month co-op placement starting in January. The employer is the one that had to cancel his May-Aug placement.
That we finally received a comfy sofa on which to sit and relax - now to hang some pictures.
For ongoing healing for Kieran's ankle.
For Liam and Cara as they get into the routine of online courses.
For guidance for Andrea as she meets with people who are being mentored in the personnel mentoring program to see how it's helping and how it could be improved.
For wisdom for Andrea to know how to equip and support new personnel coordinators.
For Phil and several colleagues as they assess and plan the training needs related to the Ministry Focus Initiative that Phil is leading.
Thanks for praying for us,
Phil & Andrea