Charlotte Martin (Power to Change)
Fall retreats are happening in person this year! I'm currently at a Summit retreat north of Kingston ON for 120 students from Montreal, Ottawa and Kingston. There are 3 other similar retreats happening in other locations in Ontario and Alberta this weekend.
We've already had 2 great sessions about "What is the gospel?" and "Who is the gospel for?" This afternoon I will be helping with a workshop on global missions. Here are some ways you can join in praying.
Pray for workshops this afternoon, that they would help students grow closer to God and be stretched in their faith.
Pray that during free time students would have fun with their peers and deep friendships would grow.
Pray for our session tonight as students and staff will be invited to lay down the things that are holding them back from fully following Jesus.
As students return home:
Pray that students would be excited to apply what they have learned.
Pray that Satan would not steal what God has been doing in the lives of students this weekend.
Wallenstein, thanks for standing with us in prayer.
Last night's sunset!