Phil & Andrea - July 2019
PRAISE: For a smooth departure from Ghana and and uneventful flights to Canada; for a good reunion with the boys; that we could attend Kieran's graduation on June 11; for an interesting and challenging Module 2 of the Integrated Mission Leadership course during the last week of June; that Cara has been offered a part-time summer job; that Liam got a job in Waterloo for his Sept-Dec work term; that Stephen, a Ghanaian colleague, and his wife Aisha, were spared serious injury in a motorbike accident. Stephen has had surgery on a broken arm. Please pray for good healing. PRAY: For Cara as she starts work; that Cara will enjoy ReBoot, a re-entry retreat for third culture kids, July 13-20; that we will have a good week of vacation at a friend's cottage; for continued guidance regarding our future location.