An Update on the Journey
Thank you so much for the emails, cards, support, well wishes, encouragement and prayers in the last month. We have felt the impact of your prayers tremendously. As Trevor has been in the hospital getting mental health help, it has been such a blessing to know that we have such a great team behind us.
Your support reminds me of the story in Exodus 17 where Joshua is fighting Amalek and Moses is on the hill top. Whenever Moses had his hands raised, Joshua would be winning, and whenever Moses' hands were lowered, Joshua would be losing. So Aaron and Hur, gave Moses a stone to sit on, then came alongside him and held up his hands until Joshua won the battle. Thank you for 'holding up our hands' during this time of battle.
In the last month, Trevor has had ups and downs. He was doing well in the first week of March so the hospital allowed him to come home. But the discharge was unsuccessful and he quickly had to go back into the hospital for more help. It was difficult to see him regress back like that. We were told at the beginning that this journey would be a marathon and not a sprint (right now it feels like an Ironman triathlon). We were also told that there would be ups and downs, but I don't think anything could have prepared us for what we've experienced. He is still in the hospital, but has passes to come home for 6 hours a day to transition him back to the stressors of daily life. We are working together with the medical staff to make this next discharge better.
I (Hannah) also have my ups and downs. I've learned that I need to trust God for our future. It's so easy for me to live my life thinking that I have control of the future, but this has taught me to lean and trust God for my future. I have been reminding myself that God is not only powerful and sovereign, but also good and loving. Knowing those truths have helped me be grounded in trusting God through all the ups and downs.
Please pray with us that:
We would continue to trust that God is sovereign, powerful and good through all the ups and downs
We would have wisdom to know how to make this discharge from the hospital a better transition home
Amelia would continue to do well through all the changes
Below are some pictures of Amelia. Even though it has been difficult to juggle taking care of Trevor and Amelia, she has been a bright light in our lives through these months.
Thank you again so much for your prayers.
“The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and
his ears are attentive to their cry.”
(Psalm 34:15)