Robert & Susan - March 2019

PRAISE:  February 25 we completed another 6 week session of Love & Respect with a group of 10 men.  We have the opportunity to facilitate 2 more sessions in this institution before the summer break.  Brandon has been granted work release where he will be working at a local orchard. Today is a cold day to be pruning trees.  PRAY:  J is counting the cost of being a follower of Jesus Christ - pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and empower him to be loyal to his Saviour.  P is managing through his setbacks, but has a long road ahead him - pray that his faith would remain strong, make wise choices and that we will remain steadfast and persevere despite the discouragements of  lockdowns, modified routines, weather cancelations and scheduling issues. The last four weeks have been challenging. Pray for the men who look forward to their Bible studies or other programs particularly this time of year.


Russ & Meredith - March 2019


Charlotte Martin - March 2019