Richard & Marina Haverkamp
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,
I forgot to mention (in last week’s letter) that we are in contact with Lhin, and Chartwell, which has both assisted living and long term care facilities. We are on the list at Chartwell and I already have looked at several rooms that are available, but I'm not sure whether this is the right time to move. We ask your prayers for wisdom and God's guidance.
One more thing, I was in London yesterday (Oct 2), in the hospital to see my hip surgeon. He gave me the result of an ultrasound taken a while ago. There are two tendons that connect the muscles with the bone. One tendon is torn and the other is damaged too. He said that he could maybe operate and try to fix the tendons, but he couldn't promise complete success, so I said no thank you, no more surgery, three has been enough. So I'll walk the rest of my life with a cane and pain. Oh well, I know one of these days It will all be new, praise the Lord, yet a short while, and then......!
Yours, still in His service,
Richard and Marina.