Charlotte Martin - November 2019

PRAISE: We have almost confirmed all of our mission trip leaders for 2020. We are sending 3 new mission trips next year in addition to 4 returning mission trips. I am excited to be leading one of the 6 week mission trips next May/June. I have a new teammate who is helping me with logistics and operations. This has been a blessing! I've been enjoying mentoring some staff women and one student this semester. PRAY: A few of the women I mentor are figuring out what it means to live out their Christianity. Pray that I would guide them well. Pray for wisdom as students begin to apply for mission trips and we begin to process the applications. Ask that God would help us know who are the right students to accept on our mission trips. Pray for our team as we have in person meetings November 6-7. Pray that we would have a unified sense of where God is leading us as a global missions team.


Gord & heather - November 2019


Ray & Carol - November 2019