Jenn Brubacher - January 2019

PRAISE: An athlete on the senior girls volleyball team asked if she could interview me for a project in her Religions class-- it was an incredible conversation! Questions like, “how has your faith brought you comfort?” and “what do you think happens to people when they die?” opened the door wide open to share the gospel and how it has changed my life. We took a group of students to Operation Christmas Child to sort boxes-- a great time to connect and serve. I had a fundraising/ ministry update night this month and it was a huge success! I am incredibly thankful for my friends, family and support team who walk alongside me in what God is doing in Listowel. PRAYER: Christmas is always a difficult time for students-- please pray for them as they return to school and adjust to their schedules. Continue to pray for those who wrestle with addiction, mental health, broken relationships and are grieving.


Hello from Singapore!


Trevor & Hannah - January 2019