Anniversaries & Answers
The last few months we've been able to celebrate a number of anniversaries. 2018 marks 125 years of ministry for SIM. In March we were in South Africa for SIM's Global Assembly. It was great to be challenged by inspiring teaching, reconnect with old friends and make new ones! We can't possibly share all that happened but below is a picture that was taken on the final night when the Soweto Gospel Choir gave us a performance!
Speaking of Anniversaries... April 13 marked 18 years in Ghana for us and May 6th is our 23rd wedding anniversary!
Answers to Prayer!
We have been praying for people to come to reach the Fulani in Ghana who live and die without hearing the good news of the Gospel. Our prayer has been answered in a wonderful way! On May 1 we welcomed Dawit, Eshetu & Abigiya as well as Mesfin, Asefash, Barnabas and Naomi, from Ethiopia. Please pray that they can settle well and that we can get their residence permits without delays or any other problems. Pray too that God will provide more team members to join them.
Visits to the Team!
In late January and early February we had the privilege of visiting our team in the northern part of the country. It was long overdue and it was great to be able to see each of our colleagues in their ministry location and spend time with them and pray for them. It was also good to connect with friends from our days in the north. After our 'tour', Andrea returned to Accra and Phil repeated the trip by taking two of our Council members to visit our team. It is an honour to have those that advise us and give us counsel about ministry in Ghana, come to each ministry location.
As we mentioned in our last letter, Phil has transitioned out of the leadership of SIM Ghana. Our friend and long time colleague, Penny Bakewell is the new SIM Ghana Director. Please pray for her as she takes up this role, and for Andrea and Phil as they help her with this transition. Andrea continues as Personnel Coordinator and Phil is devoting his time to his international role - helping SIM leadership teams around the world sharpen their ministry focus.
Praise Items
- For the confirmation of Penny Bakewell as the new SIM Ghana Director.
- For helping Kieran and Liam through another semester of classes.
- For Cara as she finishes the last few weeks of her school year.
- For a great time celebrating SIM's 125th anniversary at Global Assembly.
- For bringing the Mesfin and Dawit families to work with the Fulani.
- For providing dorm parents for Cara for next year.
- For technology that allows us to work from outside Ghana for brief periods to allow us to be together as a family.
Prayer Items
- For Penny as she transitions to this new role and for Phil & Andrea to support her without interfering.
- For wisdom for Phil as he transitions to a full-time international role that is still developing and evolving.
- For the speedy re-registration of SIM Ghana.
- For Kieran as he has another semester of classes prior to heading to Sri Lanka for Sept to Apr.
- That Liam would be able to get lots of shifts at his job to help save for university fees.
- For Cara as she is in the process of trying to determine what she will study after high school.
- For safe travel and good family times as we spend time in the UK and Canada from late June to mid August.