CREATE Missions Update
It's already the third week of our CREATE mission trip here in Guelph, ON. Week one was orientation, and last week we jumped right into our tasks. Mandy, who is working with our design team is teaching herself to use our design software by designing a flyer for our December P2C Plus conference. Paul is working with our social media and writing teams. He's been working on a blog about mission trips. Together as a team (pictured above), our evangelism goal for the summer is to test ways to engage with students online and connect them with a local campus ministry. We're seeing what works and what doesn't. Last week we had a few responses to an article we promoted on anxiety. One young man opened up to us about his struggles with anxiety. Pray that this man would know Jesus and would know how to get help with his anxiety. Pray also that our interns Mandy and Paul would grow in their skills and their relationship with God this summer.
Last month I asked you to pray for me as I attended my final Arrow Leadership class. On the last day we were asked to pick a word for our leadership partner to pray over us. I choose the word "new." As I wrap up Arrow I want to leave behind the insecurities and barriers that have been holding me back and I want to step into a new season of thriving in life and ministry.
On a personal note, a highlight for me was that we got to invite a key supporter to join us for the last couple of days of our class. I asked my brother, Russ, and he joined me. We had so many good chats processing life and leadership together. We also had a fun afternoon exploring Chicago. Thank you for standing with me in this ministry. Your prayers and financial support mean so much.