Asia's Next Generation Missionaries

"Now there is hope for my country!" exclaimed Pricilla, clearly the influencer in the group.

There they were, wrestling with the opportunity that was laid before them. We had showed them how God was at work in the lives of tens of thousands of people seeking Him online in their 'closed country'. Where they live it's hard to [physically] come across a believer, let alone someone curious to learn about Jesus. They were in shock about how the Spirit was already at work digitally.

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"We must 'wake up' this web site... how do we reach out to the people on the site?" Priscilla questioned, eager to act on this new information.

These missionaries face a big challenge. They yearn to minister to university students, yet they cannot physically go to campus and they cannot officially organize. How do you connect with students you cannot be near? Each student has a mobile phone, so social media is a natural avenue.  By the end of our time together, this small but mighty team had an action plan. They left confidently, ready to be used by God to begin a deeper digital engagement with students in their country.

I wish I could show you the faces of these next generation digital missionaries, but it is not safe for me to do so. The "internet police" could find out.

This was just one highlight of a recent trip to Asia where I interacted with 35 digital leaders learning about what they are trusting God to do in their contexts and helping provide the tools and training to accelerate their strategies. Meredith held down the fort at home. As our family moves to Singapore, equipping leaders like this will be a significant focus of our work.

Thank you for the part you play in equipping these next generation digital missionaries.


Photos Below:
- Savouring final play times with friends
- The Halloween Lineup (Yes, Wyatt was a 'dilapidated' box)
- Preparing for Singapore - 'new' raincoats

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Times Together...


Conestoga Bible Camp - December 2018