Les & Sharon - October 2018

PRAISE:  What a blessing to travel to Dubuque Iowa to be with our daughter, Elena, her husband Ben and four grandchildren ages 12,10,8,5. We saw first hand how the Lord is using them to host a church small group and many others who come and go. Ben has a key role in the Emmaus International office which has a staff of 12 or more and has begun teaching one class at the college as well.  We also got to speak on Communication to some Spanish speakers who meet. They want to continue by skype with marriage talks. PRAY:  October begins the three group studies for Seniors at Chartwell , WBC and a seniors men's breakfast study.  This month I (Les) will be speaking at 4 various venues including Spanish. Pray also for our involvement with a Salvadoran family of six who moved here from Alberta. We have sort of taken under our wing. They need to rent a house in the next month so pray with us for this miracle to happen in Elmira. We would like to start a Bible study with them.


Charlotte Martin - October 2018


Esther Frey - October 2018