MercyTimes: I Have Been Onboard the Africa Mercy for Over a Month Already!
As I reflect over this past month I have to admit that it has been a roller coaster of emotions. I feel so humbled and blessed to be back serving with a ministry that I love so dearly. I often think how amazing it is that out of the billions of people in this world I have been chosen to serve on this ship for this period of time. So then why have I been unhappy? Why do I find myself crying? Why do I feel sad when I get to be part of something so amazing? These are the questions I have been asking myself.
When I was at home I found myself yearning for the ship; yearning to be back in a community where I felt like I fit in, where I felt like I knew my place, where I felt known. Now that I am back I have found that I don’t fit in, I don’t know my place and I don’t feel known like I did in the past; the community has changed. It has not been easy but I know that the Lord has me where he wants me to be. This season has caused me to press into Him more, to learn more about who I am in Christ and more about who He is. We serve an amazingly loving and merciful God.
Slowly I am beginning to find my place in this community again. I have joined the kids ministry team and have started leading a Bible Study. I am blessed to be able to serve in these extra ministries on the ship.
We are in our fifth week of surgery. We have met people with such tragic stories. It amazes me that even today there are still people who don’t have access to proper medical care. Ibrahima is one of those people. He was injured in a fire. Scars began to contract and bend his knees. Soon he was no longer able to work or take care of himself and had to rely on his older brother to carry him everywhere. Ibrahima lived like this for over a year. Recently he had surgery onboard the Africa Mercy where his burn contractures were released and he took his first steps! What a privilege it is to see peoples lives, like Ibrabima, being transformed every day!
Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Without your prayers and support this would not be possible.
- The first four weeks of surgery have gone well
- For full wards - patients lives are being transformed!
- For a young woman named Fanta. She has a malignant tumor that we cannot operate on. Pray that she would find comfort in Jesus during her last few months of life.
- That patients wounds would heal and not get infected.
- For my small group as we go through the book of Ephesians.
Floating in His Mercy,