Raul & Jessenia Espinoza (Ecuador)

Dear Wallenstein family,

The summer has just slipped away on us! We have had some full months of dealing with some health issues and with lots of work at the school and with the youth.

There was a month where one of us three was always sick with a cold. Normally colds don’t pose too much of a life alteration, but now, because of Covid, they suddenly mean you have to stay home from everything. Thankfully, we didn’t have Covid, but we still had to be careful. During that time, we took Tiago to a doctor for a routine check-up and found he has mild anemia. Though it is nothing serious, it has still been concerning for us and taken a lot of our energy as we care for him.

The renovations at the school are progressing very well, and it has been so refreshing the way God has provided. The school is looking beautiful and we are so grateful. Raul goes to the school most days to monitor the workers and help with any decisions that need to be made. He also spends a lot of time helping the principal with school paperwork.

Jessenia has begun a bible study with two youth leaders who wanted to study Revelations. Though Revelations is not what she would have chosen to study, she is finding she is learning a lot and the time spent learning with these young women has been a high point in the week.

We kicked off the new youth season with a trip to a park and were actually able to go through with it (any other time we had planned an outing it was canceled by Covid restrictions). The day was beautiful and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. These youth are very passionate about the games and every game time ends in a lot of shouting and arguing over who won (which actually means they are having a lot of fun). However, we have been impressed with how quickly they settle down for the times of study and seem to be listening. Pray that God’s word falls on soft, fertile soil in their hearts.

Jessenia was able to get her first dose of the Covid vaccine two weeks ago.  We are so grateful that Ecuador has stepped up its vaccination process and we hope for more freedom of ministry and socialization in the coming months.

Thank you for your prayers for us. The work here would feel rather lonely without a group behind us to support us in prayer.

In Christ,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth girls

Youth girls

Freshly painted school

Freshly painted school

Kick off to the youth season outing

Kick off to the youth season outing

Trevor & Hannah Martin - P2C Missionaries (Local)

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Thank you for all your support for not only our ministry to students on campus to know Jesus but also for us as a family. It is such a blessing to us knowing that there are people supporting us in so many ways.
Thank you for being a part of our team!

We will give a larger ministry focused update before (or as) the school year begins, but first we wanted to share with you some of what we've been up to as a family.

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Did you guess it?....We're having a baby! Baby Martin is due December 22. Amelia is super excited to be a big sister and we need to remind her often that it will not be until the winter. Hannah is doing well, but this pregnancy has been more difficult than the last. Please pray for a healthy baby and that Hannah will feel better as the pregnancy goes on.

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We love summer for many reasons. One thing we enjoy is taking advantage of all the fresh produce that is around. Hannah has taken on making strawberry jam and canning cherries to make the sweet fruit last all year long. It's a lot of work so the whole family helps.
Amelia LOVES corn on the cob. She has learned that the corn season is short and must be savoured. Peaches are also in season now and will also be canned for a sweet treat in the winter. If you want a recipe for canning peaches, we've added one below.

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We got the chance this summer to spend quality time with our families and enjoy God's creation together. It was a life-giving time after such a long time apart.

Amelia caught her first fish (and then 5 more)!

Trevor & Hannah - September 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For one of Hannah's Disciples, named Meredith, who was baptized on August 22. For some relief from Hannah's constant pregnancy sickness after she has received some medication, which is helping. PRAY: For navigating COVID restrictions as we enter into a new school year of ministry. For wisdom and discernment in prioritization as there are many ministry opportunities for both Trevor & Hannah.

Russ & Meredith - August 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Our son Heath's skin and allergy issues are doing much better evidenced by his energy returning and sleep improving. Some enjoyable time away on a few days of staycation. The digital transformation roadmap that Russ wrote for the Lausanne Movement was well received. PRAY: For opportunities to share Christ with friends (N, F, N, Q) in our apartment complex. For a smooth start to school for our kids. For the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and travel to resume.

Robert & Susan - August 2021

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: L is facilitating a Bible study in CBI medium on Sunday evenings. Le, S, and St are also part of this study. Pray for their personal spiritual growth and understanding among the group as well as unity as they study together. “I” was recently deported back to Maldova; working as a counsellor at a Christian detox center; will also be participating in an outdoor evangelistic outreach with several other church groups August 6,7,8. S recently released to a halfway house; praise that he has found employment; wisdom to navigate establishing his life on the street as he reconnects with family. PRAY: For L’s salvation; that the light of the gospel would shine brighter than the darkness and error of his present confused thinking patterns. That K would know for certain his heart’s condition before God. That his missing son would be located and God would use this sorrowing and uncertain time to draw K into a more dependent relationship with our heavenly Father. For all inmates in general - that Satan would not use boredom to lure them into negative, sinful choices. B has strayed and is not making wise choices -pray for a repentant, yielded heart obedient to Jesus Christ his shepherd. M’s successful parole hearing in November. That B can successfully and wisely understand how to navigate relationships with his parole officer and also his family as he tries to reconnect.