Trevor & Hannah Martin - P2C Missionaries (Local)

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Thank you for all your support for not only our ministry to students on campus to know Jesus but also for us as a family. It is such a blessing to us knowing that there are people supporting us in so many ways.
Thank you for being a part of our team!

We will give a larger ministry focused update before (or as) the school year begins, but first we wanted to share with you some of what we've been up to as a family.

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Did you guess it?....We're having a baby! Baby Martin is due December 22. Amelia is super excited to be a big sister and we need to remind her often that it will not be until the winter. Hannah is doing well, but this pregnancy has been more difficult than the last. Please pray for a healthy baby and that Hannah will feel better as the pregnancy goes on.

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We love summer for many reasons. One thing we enjoy is taking advantage of all the fresh produce that is around. Hannah has taken on making strawberry jam and canning cherries to make the sweet fruit last all year long. It's a lot of work so the whole family helps.
Amelia LOVES corn on the cob. She has learned that the corn season is short and must be savoured. Peaches are also in season now and will also be canned for a sweet treat in the winter. If you want a recipe for canning peaches, we've added one below.

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We got the chance this summer to spend quality time with our families and enjoy God's creation together. It was a life-giving time after such a long time apart.

Amelia caught her first fish (and then 5 more)!