Raul & Jessenia Espinoza (Ecuador)

Dear Wallenstein family,

The summer has just slipped away on us! We have had some full months of dealing with some health issues and with lots of work at the school and with the youth.

There was a month where one of us three was always sick with a cold. Normally colds don’t pose too much of a life alteration, but now, because of Covid, they suddenly mean you have to stay home from everything. Thankfully, we didn’t have Covid, but we still had to be careful. During that time, we took Tiago to a doctor for a routine check-up and found he has mild anemia. Though it is nothing serious, it has still been concerning for us and taken a lot of our energy as we care for him.

The renovations at the school are progressing very well, and it has been so refreshing the way God has provided. The school is looking beautiful and we are so grateful. Raul goes to the school most days to monitor the workers and help with any decisions that need to be made. He also spends a lot of time helping the principal with school paperwork.

Jessenia has begun a bible study with two youth leaders who wanted to study Revelations. Though Revelations is not what she would have chosen to study, she is finding she is learning a lot and the time spent learning with these young women has been a high point in the week.

We kicked off the new youth season with a trip to a park and were actually able to go through with it (any other time we had planned an outing it was canceled by Covid restrictions). The day was beautiful and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. These youth are very passionate about the games and every game time ends in a lot of shouting and arguing over who won (which actually means they are having a lot of fun). However, we have been impressed with how quickly they settle down for the times of study and seem to be listening. Pray that God’s word falls on soft, fertile soil in their hearts.

Jessenia was able to get her first dose of the Covid vaccine two weeks ago.  We are so grateful that Ecuador has stepped up its vaccination process and we hope for more freedom of ministry and socialization in the coming months.

Thank you for your prayers for us. The work here would feel rather lonely without a group behind us to support us in prayer.

In Christ,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth as seen through the security camera

Youth girls

Youth girls

Freshly painted school

Freshly painted school

Kick off to the youth season outing

Kick off to the youth season outing