Gord & Heather - August 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAY: Indy is still stuck in Myanmar (Burma) since March of 2020. Prayer for his wife and family as well as for him is greatly appreciated. The expectations are that half the population of the capital city of Yangoon might die of Covid. Currently, 1,200 people a day are dying in Yangoon as the vaccinated military is not allowing oxygen cylinders to be filled. It is a genocide. In the Chin Hills, more than two hundred Chin pastors alone have died, as well as members of their families. In February of this year, the military threw a coup and the entire country is on the edge of war. In the Karen state, thousands of people have had to flee their homes due to the bombings by the military.

Charlotte Martin - August 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: Visas, flights, and quarantine arrangements are coming together as our East Asia team heads overseas. Our global missions blog series for the fall is well underway. I had 2 more weeks of restful vacation in July. PRAY: That our East Asia team would arrive safely in country at the end of August. That we would be able to run mission trips in 2022 and that the Lord would show us what opportunities and partnerships in missions to pursue. That our campus groups could have some in-person meetings and events in the fall.

Ray & Carol - August 2021

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: The Covid situation has improved to the extent that I am now back 'on the road' instead of the internet! My diary is about full for the rest of the year and it is so good to actually be with the saints in various assemblies. Guelph Bible CC had three good weeks of children and youth camps followed by day camps. We are now looking forward to three great weeks of Family Camps the last three weeks of August. Sadly we are restricted to those who are registered guests so cannot extend an invitation for folk to join us for the meetings. PRAY: We appreciate continued prayer for Carol's health and all that's involved in my ministry. Ray's sister, Maureen's cancer now appears to have spread to her back; please pray for her spiritual understanding. Ray is unable to go over there because of the ongoing and worsening Covid situation.

Esther Frey - August 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Finishing DVBS this week with 14 children. I helped to teach the older ones. We had 7. Also planned snacks, did the registration, and general buying. God is so good. Praise God for 60 young people who attended camp, and 18 conversions. I was able to spend half a day there and at the night of missions, give my testimony. A team of 29 arrived Saturday to do some practical work at camp and also evangelism in the area. Some restrictions have been lifted. PRAY: One of our dear sisters, a close friend to me, is moving to South Carolina in August to live with her daughter. We will have a farewell Aug. 5. with the Seniors. School will begin in August, not sure in what way. I'll get back into the Emmaus work. Baptism of 3 young people Sunday 8th.

Raul & Jessenia - August 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: The school remodeling project is wrapping up and the school looks great! That Jessenia was able to get her first dose of the Covid vaccine (and one that is accepted in Canada!). PRAY: For strength and energy for Raúl in the last stretch of the school renovations as he has to go most days to oversee the work. Continue to pray that our school would be able to open its doors to students in the next month or two.