Jenn Brubacher - June 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: The Virtual Fundraising event was a huge success and we surpassed our fundraising goal! Our high school girls bible study is going really well. We’re using Jennie Allen’s ‘How To Read Your Bible’ study and it’s sparking a lot of great, honest conversations. I continue to enjoy my leadership course; I’m learning a lot and gaining new practical skills. A highlight this month was hearing Graham’s story. He's the owner of Impression Bakery in Listowel and shared his faith journey, how Impressions came to be and how he's using the bakery to further God's Kingdom. PRAY: The exhaustion and lack of motivation continues for many students. Please join me in praying for refinement, peace and renewed joy for staff, students, and families.

Phil & Andrea - June 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For the successful SIM Canada virtual banquet. If you missed it you can watch the recording here. That Phil and colleagues have been able to complete a ministry review. Much more challenging to do virtually. For 3 new people accepted to go to the Middle East. That we were both able to get our first COVID vaccination. That we celebrated 26 years of marriage. PRAY: For Phil as he advises and coaches a number of leaders on ministry planning. We want to be good stewards of the resources God provides and that takes planning. Pray for Andrea as she provides support and training for new personnel coordinators starting their roles in the next month. Pray for Middle East colleagues making an exploratory visit to a very unreached area where we hope to be able to start a new team in the coming year. For Kieran and Mackenzie as they plan a wedding likely restricted to 10 people. For Cara as she is studying this semester but also applying for co-op jobs for next semester. For Liam to get shifts at his part-time job and wisdom in his leadership role in P2C.

Trevor & Hannah Martin

Thank You For Helping Send To The World
One of the unique aspects of campus ministry is that there are always students graduating (and hopefully new students coming in). It is a bittersweet time to say good bye to students that we've worked closely with and seen grow in their faith, praying that they will continue to grow as disciples of Christ wherever God sends them next. Because of your partnership, we're able to send students to all sectors of society. Pray with us that they will bring the hope and life of Jesus wherever God leads them.

Here are some of this years graduates:

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Hannah (a student) made a big move from Calgary to Waterloo to do a Bachelors of Biomedical Engineering. This move helped Hannah grow in her faith in Jesus and help others to do the same. Through her years at UW, she has helped both Christian and non-Christians step closer to Jesus through her care, humility and wisdom. Pray for Hannah as she moves to Stanford University to do her PhD.

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I've shared many stories of Anastasia's impact on people at University of Waterloo and around the world. Her heart for people to know Jesus is because she discovered the freedom that comes with Jesus when she was in her 1st year. Pray for Anastasia as she's trusting God for her next steps and eventually wanting to return to Nigeria to help youth know the love and grace of Jesus.

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Kalil has a natural joy from Jesus that is attractive to the world. His energy has allowed him to lead our outreach ministry as well as the men's ministry at the University of Waterloo. God has given him amazing gifts of marketing and videography and he will be using that as he works for the International Union of Engineers. Pray that he will continue to be a light for Jesus wherever he goes.

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Daynica consistently reminded me to trust the faithful God that loves us and others. Her heart for God and others rippled throughout the P2C ministry and her friends. It was a joy working with Daynica to help inspire others to desire to grow in their faith through discipleship relationships. Pray for Daynica as she starts her job with KPMG in the Human Resources department.

Are you or do you know a Christian who is in the business realm and wants to invest in the next generation? P2C is launching a summer mentorship program and is need of business mentors for students who are itching for input. Click for more information!

Has missions stopped because of COVID? This month a group of P2C staff and students participated in a Digital Missions Trip (DMT). You're welcome to join a webinar this Friday to hear stories of how God has been at work through Digital Missions. Register for free at

Family fun

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Some links you might like
1) Spiritual Rhythms of Grace: Reflection and Prayer Guide
2) (song) Harry Connick Jr - God and My Gospel
3) Our favourite granola we make every few weeks

God is doing amazing things through these students.
Please pray that God would
continue to use these students,
wherever He sends them.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

To give financially to our ministry:
go to or call 1-855-P2C-GIVE

Our mailing address is:
151 Cavelletti Court
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 3X3

Russ & Meredith Martin

The Pickle Tastes Sour

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Dear WBC Friends, thank you so much for your prayer and concern about the schooling situation with our kids. We shared that we feel in a "bit of a pickle". To butcher the metaphor, the pickle tastes a bit sour, but we're moving forward.

Here's how God is answering your prayers.

We asked you to pray:
- For favor with our current school that might enable us to continue there.
God answered this by making it clear that we didn't have favor. Basically a discount that we had been previously getting was removed and with enrolling a third child it effectively doubles our cost, making it unsustainable and pricing us out of the market. We asked for reconsideration and were denied.

- For us to trust God's sovereignty with potential changes.
God answered this through some meaningful times in His Word and in prayer. He has been impressing on our hearts, "There's a reason" and that we can/need to trust that He's good. We've been studying James and 1 Peter and the words "joy" and "gladness" in the context of trials really strike us. Our instinct is to be frustrated with the disruption, rather that embrace what God might have for us. We realize this is deepening our faith and rooting out unbelief in our hearts.

- For discernment in making this decision with imperfect information.
We are now engaged with two schools that have quality programs that will meet the needs of our family at a reasonable price point (expats must pay for private school in Singapore). There are pros and cons, and we grieve no longer being within walking distance to school, but we realize in the grand scheme of life the fact that we even have to make this decision reveals our privilege.

We feel so honoured by your prayers and the many notes of encouragement we received as we needed to move on this quickly. Thank you for journeying with us in helping to lead the next generation of digital missions. It means so much to have you on the team.

Russ (for Meredith & the kids)

Richard & Marina Haverkamp

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

Sincere greetings again in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who’s return we are eagerly looking forward to, “even so come Lord Jesus.”

It has been some time, and what a time, since we wrote you last. Before we bring you up to date, we want to first of all thank you for your love, prayers and practical support, which is appreciated so very much, be assured of that. Thank you in our Saviour’s name for your faithfulness in standing with us. We thank God for WBC and all of you and pray that He may truly bless you and reward you eternally.

Marina and I are still rejoicing in the Lord, in spite of physical problems. Marina is very weak, sleeps a lot and is not able to do much, which makes her feel very useless and she gets discouraged. My hip will never recover. An ultrasound revealed that one muscle is torn and another severely damaged. The surgeon said he could try to operate again, but he said he couldn’t be sure it would be successful, so I said forget it. I will walk with a cane and pain until Jesus comes to get me, praise God.

I continue to keep in touch with believers and unbelievers in Belgium, by email and FB messenger. Last year I sent six messages to Belgium, which have been listened to over 8000 times. Two weeks ago, I sent a 7th message, which, until now has been listened to about 700 times, praise the Lord for technology that makes this possible. Please pray that many may be touched and convicted or encouraged. And thank you to WBC for helping in this ministry and touching the lives of many people.

So, we continue to rejoice in the Lord, and we take life one day, sometimes, one moment at a time. We keep singing, “One day at a time, dear Jesus, that’s all we’re asking you.”

I guess that’s all for now. Our heartfelt thanks again in Jesus’ name for your help and encouragement.

God be with you and keep you until we meet at Jesus’ feet.

Loving greetings.

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina.