Richard & Marina Haverkamp

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

Sincere greetings again in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who’s return we are eagerly looking forward to, “even so come Lord Jesus.”

It has been some time, and what a time, since we wrote you last. Before we bring you up to date, we want to first of all thank you for your love, prayers and practical support, which is appreciated so very much, be assured of that. Thank you in our Saviour’s name for your faithfulness in standing with us. We thank God for WBC and all of you and pray that He may truly bless you and reward you eternally.

Marina and I are still rejoicing in the Lord, in spite of physical problems. Marina is very weak, sleeps a lot and is not able to do much, which makes her feel very useless and she gets discouraged. My hip will never recover. An ultrasound revealed that one muscle is torn and another severely damaged. The surgeon said he could try to operate again, but he said he couldn’t be sure it would be successful, so I said forget it. I will walk with a cane and pain until Jesus comes to get me, praise God.

I continue to keep in touch with believers and unbelievers in Belgium, by email and FB messenger. Last year I sent six messages to Belgium, which have been listened to over 8000 times. Two weeks ago, I sent a 7th message, which, until now has been listened to about 700 times, praise the Lord for technology that makes this possible. Please pray that many may be touched and convicted or encouraged. And thank you to WBC for helping in this ministry and touching the lives of many people.

So, we continue to rejoice in the Lord, and we take life one day, sometimes, one moment at a time. We keep singing, “One day at a time, dear Jesus, that’s all we’re asking you.”

I guess that’s all for now. Our heartfelt thanks again in Jesus’ name for your help and encouragement.

God be with you and keep you until we meet at Jesus’ feet.

Loving greetings.

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina.