Charlotte Martin: "Launching the Digital Mission Trip"

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I myself was a little nervous as I virtually dropped in on our Digital Mission Trip (DMT) that launched on Monday. Even though I wasn't helping to lead this year, I could empathize with my teammates’ nervousness, wondering if participants were going to show up, hoping that teams would click and desiring that the planned content would run smoothly.

As I popped into the zoom call, the 41 staff and student participants were wrapping up an intro game and moving into a time of worship. Seeing everyone's faces on the screen brought a sigh of relief. Everyone showed up! Things are in motion and I can’t wait to hear how God is going to work over the next month.

The DMT this year has split into four focus areas. The first two teams will be reaching out to students in East Asia and Desert Rain using social media platforms. Another group will be partnering with OMF to engage with their ministry activities in Japan, and the last group has a focus on reaching out to international students in Canada.

Wallenstein, thank you so much for your continued partnership that is helping to make the DMT happen. God is using the DMT to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of many students.


Please join us in praying for the digital mission trip this month:

  • Pray that students would grow in their understanding of how God is at work around the world.

  • Pray that God would help us to know how to be effective online missional agents.

A Quick Side Story:
As an online mentor for P2C, I received a message from Maria through our website three months ago. Maria is a college student from the US and she shared that her father had recently passed away. As we've messaged, Maria has been very grateful for someone to "talk to" and process her grief with. Maria seems to have a faith in God, but at times it can be hard to know where she is at with God in the midst of her grief. Pray that I can continue to have meaningful conversations with Maria and that God would be drawing her into a deep relationship with him.

On a personal note, I will be on Sabbatical from May 10 - June 10. I'm looking forward to doing projects around the house, reading, and hopefully having a little fun too! If you respond to this update and don't hear back from me right away that's why.

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P.S. My mom has instilled in me a love for garden metaphors. I planted these tulips last November and was so excited when they began to grow. However, it seems like the flowers are taking forever to bloom. It reminds me that when participating in God’s kingdom work we love the joy of bearing fruit, but we can be impatient and want to rush the growth process.

“It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.” - 1 Corinthians 3:7

Update from the Blights

We just wanted to say hello and thank you for your financial gift last month! We have been in awe of how God continually provides for our needs; financially, spiritually and relationally through the church family. We have specifically enjoyed spending Sunday mornings watching the WBC kids program each week.

Our winter was full of lots of snow and outdoor activities; our family tried skiing together for the first time. It was a neat experience to watch the kids go from knowing nothing (and wanting to give up at times) to going down hills on their own and asking when we can go next.

At camp, Josh has kept working and between lockdowns we were able to host a wedding and 2 retreats as well as some youth events. Deanna set up a clothing swap store at camp and people came shopping for free during the month of March. We were also able to be involved in separate Bible studies and really enjoyed connecting with people during this time. We are thankful for each season and the differences they bring. Spring has been quieter but we're planning, preparing and really hoping for camp to happen this summer!

Our immediate future is in our prayers as we come to the last stretch of our initial commitment at camp. There's lots to consider but we know that God's will for all of us is who we are and the process of sanctification in our lives.

Jorden, (Josh's brother who was diagnosed with brain cancer 5 years ago) has been steadily declining the past few months. It's been a slow process of grieving as we watch him. While we've been so thankful for the extra special times it's really hard to see an able-bodied guy not able to do normal things for himself or carry a conversation. We would appreciate your prayers and/or advice as we navigate this final part of the journey.

God's word tells us to be thankful over and over again in many different verses. He created us and knows us best so it must be for our good to do this. Whatever we're experiencing, let's keep choosing to be thankful no matter how we feel each day. It can shift our perspective and bring joy in any circumstance.

Josh & Deanna Blight


Phil & Andrea Bauman

You're invited to SIM Canada's first ever Virtual Banquet on May 8th @ 7pm EST. Join us for an hour of celebration online, through fellowship and music.
You can register here.

Hear from our keynote speaker George, from the Middle East who will be sharing on God’s goodness and His faithfulness in our lives from Numbers 16:46-50.
Come and hear updates from missionaries around the world on how God continues using SIM workers to share the good news of the Gospel where He is least known.

May 2021

As we look at the month ahead please join with us to Praise God:

  • For continued good responses from enquirers considering service in the Middle East.

  • For those that have committed to service in the Middle East.

  • For a good Middle East team conference - in-person for some and virtual for others.

  • That a significant ministry review that Phil has been involved with is nearing completion.

Please pray

  • That Phil and colleagues will have wisdom and sensitivity as they continue to lead various aspects of organisational change.

  • For Cara as she is back in residence as a don (aka residence advisor).

  • For Liam who has not found co-op job - pray he can get lots of shifts at his part-time job.

  • That restrictions will ease sufficiently for Kieran and Mackenzie proceed with the wedding plans.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza


Dear friends at Wallenstein,

We know these times have not been easy for so many of you, and that many churches are hurting from not being able to meet personally. But it has been a comfort to receive the “What’s Happening at Wallenstein” email every week and see that life at Wallenstein continues in spite of all the restrictions.

The freedom we had felt from Covid a couple months ago has undergone a radical transformation. We are now in a third wave of Covid with numbers of the sick similar to what it was a year ago. Thankfully, the fear and disorganization are not the same. It seems people are used to it and the government has yet to impose a total lock down like last time. Right now, we are in a month of curfew (8:00 at night we have to be at home) and on the weekends no one is allowed outside of their house- not even for groceries.

The rules haven’t felt too hard for us to follow as Covid has hit very close to home. Raul’s family came down with it 3 weeks ago and a number of people from our church have since tested positive. We had been with Raul’s family with no social distancing right as they were starting to feel sick, and by the grace of God we didn’t get it. We are so thankful that Raul’s family and the others from our church have had very minor symptoms and are now on the mend. The hardest part has been having to keep our distance from them.

The surge in covid numbers lead to the last half of camp being canceled, which meant our youth didn’t get to go. They are disappointed but are holding on to hope that they will be able to go in October which is when camp hopes to host them for the missed weeks. Youth is also cancelled for the time being. Please pray for our youth in this time of disconnect and that we can be back to meeting together soon.

School is out on “summer” break right now and classes will resume May 7th.  Things will continue online for the time being.

Thank you for continuing to support us as we serve down here. Your faithfulness is such an encouragement to us.

With love,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago

Russ & Meredith Martin

Everyone Can Reach Someone

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WBC Friends,

Nike's branding is brilliant. "Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world." And then they cleverly add, "And by the way, if you have a body, you're an athlete."

In the same way, I (Russ) have been hard at work leading our team at Indigitous to help Christians all around the world realize that everyone can reach someone and that if you have a phone, you can share your faith.

During the upcoming month, I'm excited (and quite nervous) to be participating with other Christians around the world in GOMonth (Global Outreach Month). Our Indigitous network has prepared a 31-day challenge, which I'm participating in. I'm excited to see how God might show up during this month of being a little more intentional in outreach with those in my sphere of influence.

Recently I've been impacted with the truth that "everybody can pray for somebody" and how simple little steps are essential in trusting God to open the hearts and eyes of my unbelieving friends. Of course, this challenge is for all of us that follow Jesus and I would love you to join us.

WBC Friends, thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions. You are a part of helping people take steps of faith all around the world.

Join the Challenge

Photos below:
1. Russ celebrates his 39th birthday.
2. Teamwork makes the dreamwork in completing a puzzle.
3. The boys enjoy a special moment on a "porch date".

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